
Generate dataset for keystroke timings for exploratory and research purposes.

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


Generates dataset for the study of typing patterns of people to distinguish them from one another.

Records three features:

Hold time – time between press and release of a key.
Keydown-Keydown time – time between the pressing of consecutive keys.
Keyup-Keydown time – time between the release of one key and the press of next key.

Generates JSON for the timings.

Refer this paper for dataset format!

Run record_keystroke.py to see it in action.

Detailed Instructions

  • Clone the repository.
  • Keep a copy of DSL-StrongPasswordData.csv in edited_dataset folder. Note- Let the original dataset stay in root folder.
  • Run record_keystroke.py and provide name for user who is recording the keystrokes in the format [username]_rep[count_of_recording]. EX. Nilesh_rep1
  • You can modify the number of recordings in one execution by modifying frequency_password_entry inside record_keystroke.py. This will generate JSON of keystroke timings in output/ folder for any future use.
  • Run append_in_dataset.py by providing the username you had provided during running record script. EX. if you had given username as "xyz_rep1". Give "xyz" as the input here.
  • Your keystrokes will be appended in the dataset in edited_dataset folder. Original dataset is not affected.


This script works only for Linux Based Systems as pyxhook is for Linux. PyHook or keyboard modules can be used for developing relevant scripts for Windows.

Contributions highly appreciated!