Dolos: SDN Honeypot

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What is Dolos?

DOLOS (Dolus) was the personified spirit (daimon) of trickery, cunning deception, craftiness, treachery and guile. He was an apprentice of the Titan Prometheus and a companion of the Pseudologoi (Lies). His female counterpart was Apate, the spirit of deception.

The Theoi Project: Exploring Greek Mythology

Installing Dolos

  • Unzip the file
  • Give executable permissions to the shell script releative to your linux distro
 chmod +x 
  • Run the installation script.
 sudo ./ 

Launching Dolos

  •     After Dolos has been deployed , you should see an IP address at the end of the installation. Use this address to access the http interface
  •     Once opened, attempt to "login" to the interface (<b> note: </b> you will always receive a login failed message, as this honey pot is not connected to any real service

Testing Dolos

  •     To test the database connection, login to the psql database named doloshp
  •     Attempt a web-login through the http interface
  •     Check to see if there are any new entries within the tables of the database.