
All my Epitech projects .

MIT LicenseMIT

My Epitech Projects

This repository contains a collection of projects that I have completed as part of the Epitech curriculum. Each project is stored in its own directory, and contains all the necessary files and documentation to compile, run, and understand the project.


  • Epitech C Pool: A series of introductory programming exercises designed to teach the basics of C programming.

  • My_printf: A program that implements a subset of the printf function in C.

  • My_ls: A program that lists the files and directories in a given directory.

  • 101pong: A program that simulates the movement of a ball in a 3D space and computes the reflection of the ball against a surface.

  • BSQ: A program that finds the largest square of empty spaces in a map.

  • Sokoban: A program that implements the classic Sokoban game.

  • 102architect: A program that performs various geometric transformations on 2D points.

  • My_hunter: A simple game where the player shoots ducks using the mouse.

  • Antman: A program that compresses text files, pictures, etc. Using an algorithm.

  • Pushswap: A program that sorts a list of integers using only two stacks.

  • 103cipher: A program that encrypts and decrypts messages using various ciphers.

  • 104intersection: A program that computes the intersections between a given ray and various types of surfaces.

  • My_radar: A program that simulates air traffic control and displays the positions of planes on a radar screen.

  • 105torus: A program that solves a system of equations using the Thomas algorithm.

  • Navy: A program that simulates the game of Battleship between two players.

  • Minishell 1: A basic shell implementation that supports the execution of simple commands and shell built-ins such as cd, env, setenv, unsetenv, and exit.

  • 106bombyx: A program that simulates the evolution of a population of insects based on the given growth rate and initial generation.

  • Dante: A program that generates mazes of various sizes using various algorithms, and solves them using a pathfinding algorithm.

Getting Started

To get started with any of these projects, navigate to the project directory and read the README.md file. The README.md file contains all the necessary information to compile, run, and understand the project.


These projects were developed by Marius Pain, as part of the Epitech curriculum.


All the projects in this repository are distributed under the MIT license. Please see the LICENSE file for more information.