Group gr2121 repository

GitPod Link: Gitpod Ready-to-Code

Test coverage: coverage report

Pipeline status: pipeline status

Documentation agile development iterations:

How to contribute and how to run application.

How to run


From the root of the project, enter the wishList directory

cd wishList

Then we need to clean any previous .class files here and install all dependencies:

mvn clean install

Enter the rest sub-directory and update it aswell.

mvn clean install

Return to wishList:

cd ..

Start the server:

mvn spring-boot:run

Now the spring boot server should run locally on port 8080

For more info about the REST api endpoints click here


Open a second terminal, do not close the one running the server

Enter the wishList directory:

cd wishList

Then run the following:

  • mvn clean install
  • mvn compile
  • mvn -pl fxui javafx:run

For more info about the client click here

If you are running in gitpod you will find the app in port 6080.

Be aware that when running in gitpod the user interface will not be as good as when run locally

Overview of code structure

All the code can be found inside the wishList folder


The project is built with maven and to be structured using a modular style. Where you can the parent pom.xml file at the root of this repo.

Following sub-modules are:

  • core: Here lies the main core logic for the application.

  • fxui: Here lies javafx-code for GUI as well as controllers for different views

  • rest: Here lies the code for the rest server

Our repo supports the following

  • Testing (maven-sunfire-plugin)
  • JavaFX running (javafx-maven-plugin)
  • Spring Boot (java restapi framework)


The core module consists of all core logic this application uses. It is comprised of three core classes:

  • User
  • WishList
  • Wish

These classes have their own ways of interacting with each other, and a set of methods and fields.

In here also lies all forms of json serialization and deserilaztion logic and how such core objects should be written to files and saved to acheive persistance.

For further detailed documentation about core structure and logic click here


The FXUI package acts as the client in this application. In here lies all the different scenes the user can interact with and the underlying controllers that handle these user interactions. There is no major logic or computation happeneing in this package aside from it being able to send HTTP requests to the server. This is on purpose to make the client as small as possible and not make it depend on underlying logic not direclty used by the user itself. The application is shipped from this module.

For further documentation about structure click here


Our server is a RESTful API created using Spring Boot. For a server to be called a RESTful API it needs to follow a set of rules. Our server organizes entities and methods on unique URIs often referred to as endpoints. Clients can get access to these resources using a HTTP request that follows a specific format that consists of which endpoint it is requesting, what type of HTTP request being used an its request body (if nessecerray).

REST standing for Representational State Transfer

URI standing for Uniformed Resource Identifier

For further documentation about structure click here