💻 Master Camp 2021 - MasterCamper 🔋

ReadMe Documentation of group 403

This Readme compiles and explains the overall engine and developping process of our 2021 Master Camp project

Technologies/Hardware used

  • Vivado Compiler/ Debugger / IDE for VHDL to FPGA Workflow
    • Nexys Video 4 => FPGA Card
  • MP_Lab Compiler / Debugger / IDE for C to Microcontroller Workflow
    • Curiosity (PIC 16 F) => Microcontroller Card
  • EDA Playground Online solution to design and VHDL Modules
  • Visual Studio Code IDE of choice for all our code base
  • External controllers and displays
    • 4x1 Seven segments display
    • 16x2 LED Display
    • 4x4 Parrallel connection keypad

Developpement process

Our project has 3 major steps to its completion:

  • VHDL/FPGA Programing
  • C/Microcontroller Programing
  • Plugging everything together 🔌

VHDL/FPGA Programing

Thanks to our teachers, we had access to detailed and well explained schematics like this one: VHDL Schematics!

Which allowed us to access the types of portes we had to abstractly create in VHDL like this for instance in the UART_RX module:

        g_CLKS_PER_BIT : INTEGER := 651
    PORT (
        i_Clk : IN STD_LOGIC;
        i_RX_Serial : IN STD_LOGIC;
        o_RX_DV : OUT STD_LOGIC;
        o_RX_Byte : OUT STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(7 DOWNTO 0)


Our missions was then to come out with a solution for the processes and behaviors inbetween the different modules:

        REPORT("p_UART_RX DANS RX");
        IF rising_edge(i_Clk) THEN

            CASE r_SM_Main IS

                WHEN s_Idle =>
                    r_RX_DV <= '0';
                    r_Clk_Count <= 0;
                    r_Bit_Index <= 0;

                    IF r_RX_Data = '0' THEN
                        r_SM_Main <= s_RX_Start_Bit;
                        r_SM_Main <= s_Idle;
                    END IF;

FPGA Features
  • Recieve/Send information to the MCU through UART Protocol
  • Process incoming data by computing day of birth
  • Verifying correspondance between incoming code and Rom memory's code database
  • Display incoming data to a 4x1 array of seven segments displays

C/Microcotroller Programing

This one was easier to implement thanks our teacher's code base allready implementing approximatly 80% of the project thanks to MPLab Code Configurator

MCU Features
  • Recieve/Send information to the FPGA through UART Protocol
  • Recieve keyPad information through Parallel communication Protocol
  • Display information to the 16x2 LED Display
  • Delete last character from code if a mistake is made while registering code with the "D" key
  • Send code through the "#" key

Plugging Everything Together 🔌

That was the easiest part of the project since we only had to follow the teachers direction in order to link everything together Plugging things together!