Plugin: AzSpeech

The project:

A plugin integrating Azure Speech Cognitive Services to Unreal Engine with only 2 simple functions which can do these asynchronous tasks:

  1. TextToVoiceAsync
  2. VoiceToTextAsync

Product on Unreal Engine Marketplace:
Post on Unreal Engine Forum:



Just clone this repository or download the .zip file in the latest version and drop the files inside the 'Plugins/' folder of your project folder. Note that if your project doesn't have a 'Plugins' folder, you can create one.

Blueprint Usage:


You have these asynchronous functions to manage all the workaround:

  1. Text to Voice Async: Will convert the specified text to a sound that will be played by the default sound output device.
    1.1. Text to Convert: The text that will be converted to audio;
    1.2. Voice Name: Voice code that will represent the type of voice that will "read" the converted text. You can see all names here:;
    1.3. Parameters: Microsoft Azure parameters to connect to the service and perform the tasks. The structure AzSpeechData represents this input;

  2. Voice to Text Async: Will convert your speech to string. Not that this function will get the speech by your default sound input device.
    2.1. Parameters: Microsoft Azure parameters to connect to the service and perform the tasks. The structure AzSpeechData represents this input;

  3. AzSpeechData: Represents Microsoft Azure parameters to connect to the service and perform the tasks;
    3.1. Subscription ID: It's your Speech Service Subscription ID from your Microsoft Azure Portal;
    3.2. Region ID: Region that will be passed to Speech service. You can see all regions here:;
    3.3. Language ID: Language to apply lozalization settings. You can see all IDs here:;

C++ Implementation (Text-to-Voice):


(Using GameMode class only for demonstration)

You need to include the module "AzSpeech" inside your .Build.cs class to be allowed to call AzSpeech functions from C++.

  1. UTextToVoiceAsync::TextToVoiceAsync(WorldContextObject, TextToConvert, VoiceName, FAzSpeechData): Will convert the specified text to a sound that will be played by the default sound output device.
    1.1. WorldContextObject: Task Owner.
    1.2. TextToConvert: The text that will be converted to audio;
    1.3. VoiceName: Voice code that will represent the type of voice that will "read" the converted text. You can see all names here:;
    1.4. FAzSpeechData: Microsoft Azure parameters to connect to the service and perform the tasks. The structure AzSpeechData represents this input;

  2. FAzSpeechData: Represents Microsoft Azure parameters to connect to the service and perform the tasks;
    2.1. Subscription ID: It's your Speech Service Subscription ID from your Microsoft Azure Portal;
    2.2. Region ID: Region that will be passed to Speech service. You can see all regions here:;
    2.3. Language ID: Language to apply lozalization settings. You can see all IDs here:;

The TextToVoiceAsync function return a delegate to manage task status which allow you to bind a function to it's delegate to handle task's completion call.

C++ Implementation (Voice-to-Text):


(Using GameMode class only for demonstration)

You need to include the module "AzSpeech" inside your .Build.cs class to be allowed to call AzSpeech functions from C++.

  1. UVoiceToTextAsync::VoiceToTextAsync(WorldContextObject, FAzSpeechData): Will convert the specified text to a sound that will be played by the default sound output device.
    1.1. WorldContextObject: Task Owner.
    1.2. FAzSpeechData: Microsoft Azure parameters to connect to the service and perform the tasks. The structure AzSpeechData represents this input;

  2. FAzSpeechData: Represents Microsoft Azure parameters to connect to the service and perform the tasks;
    2.1. Subscription ID: It's your Speech Service Subscription ID from your Microsoft Azure Portal;
    2.2. Region ID: Region that will be passed to Speech service. You can see all regions here:;
    2.3. Language ID: Language to apply lozalization settings. You can see all IDs here:;

The VoiceToTextAsync function return a delegate to manage task status which allow you to bind a function to it's delegate to handle task's completion call.

More informations:

See the official Microsoft documentation for Azure Cognitive Services: