Web Stats

This projet aim to provide a simple way to get stats about some websites like Youtube or Spotify.

The goal is to produce a equivalent to annuel report of the year for more services and not needing to wait the end of the year.

How to use

Go on the website (host by Vercel) and click on the wanted service in the header. Everything is explained on the page depending on the service.


Currently available services

  • Youtube

Planned services

  • Spotify


  • Add a theme button and improve the dark theme
  • Improve Youtube page
    • Add tutorial for Youtube
    • Add more stats for Youtube
    • Add a loading bar when processing data
    • Add a way to export stats
  • Add more services
  • Improve landing page

How to contribute

This is one of my first project in React and I'm not a front-end developer so I'm sure there is a lot of things to improve. Feel free to open an issue or a pull request if you want to help me wether for code quality, bug report, UX improvements or else.