
Here's the plan:

  • Meet everyday: 12-12:45 PM, and again 3-3:45 PM

Day 1

  • Visit card spreadsheet.
  • Visit CodLab.
  • Watch Udemy: Section 1.
  • Decide: number of cards, vital statistics categories and scores.
  • Design cards (5 each).

Day 2

  • Watch Udemy: Section 3.
  • Continue to design cards and complete spreadsheet.
  • Begin goblin wars (single hand).

Day 3

  • Watch Udemy: Section 4.
  • Add dice rolls to goblin wars.
  • Add additional cards.

Day 4

  • Watch Udemy: Section 5.
  • Add card modifiers?
  • Add additional cards.

Day 5

  • Watch Udemy: Section 6.
  • Add multiple hands.