A Python module to help implement SSO for Discourse (http://www.discourse.org/). For additional information on how to use SSO see https://meta.discourse.org/t/official-single-sign-on-for-discourse/13045
- validate() : Validates payload using HMAC-SHA256
- get_nonce() : Extracts Nonce from payload
- build_login_URL() : Generates login URL parameters given dictionary of credentials (More below)
from discoursesso import DiscourseSSO
sso = DiscourseSSO(secret_key)
# Get Payload and Signature from incoming GET request
## Payload (sso=...) from URL discourse gave you
payload = "bm9uY2U9Y2I2ODI1MWVlZmI1MjExZTU4YzAwZmYxMzk1ZjBjMGI%3D%0A"
## Signature (sig=...) from URL discourse gave you
sig = "2828aa29899722b35a2f191d34ef9b3ce695e0e6eeec47deb46d588d70c7cb56"
# Validate a payload/sig, EX
if sso.validate(payload, sig):
# Get users login credentials and build the URL to log the user
# into your discourse site. ex: discourse.example.com
## credentials is a Dictionary of user credentials, see below
## for more information on how to build the Dictionary
return_url_base = "http://discuss.example.com/session/sso_login?%s"
loginURL = return_url_base % sso.build_login_URL(credentials)
- external_id
- nonce
- name