Better-Than-Steam is a playful clone-combination of Product Hunt and Steam. It showcases the trendiest games for gamers to upvote and discuss about. The top games are showcased on the front page for gamers, new and experienced, to take part in!
- Heroku
- JavaScript
- Node.js
- Express.js
- pug.js, a JavaScript library used to code HTML
- Sequelize
- The team has implemented full CRUD functionality with omments. Users can post a new comment, read a page of all the comments, edit, and delete their own comment. A visitor is also able to create a new account as well as login and sign out.
- Sequelize is also implemented to seed a list of games into the front page with their respective desription, genre, and creator.
- Many technical challenges arose throughout the whole process, but they were solved with time and research. The main challenge was figuring out a way to seed and make fetch requests to the database. A lot of coordination and understanding of the different routers used throughout the code helped overcome the challenge.
- Another seemingly simple, but challenging aspect of the project was making the website look like a clone of Product Hunt with the short amount of time given. The constraints to use CSS only made it even more of a challenge. This has been solved with a fair amount of rearranging of divs and trial-and-error.
- This snippet took almost half a day to work properly. The goal was to have an upvote button persist with data and recognize the click on any part of the nested div within the pug file
window.addEventListener("load", async (event)=>{
console.log("hello from javascript!")
const voteBtns = document.querySelectorAll('.game__vote-button');
voteBtns.forEach( (btn => {
btn.addEventListener('click', async(e) => {
const gameId =;
const res = await fetch('/users/testroute', {
method: 'POST',
headers: {
'Content-Type': 'application/json'
body: JSON.stringify({
let voteCount = parseInt(
if (res.status === 200) {
voteCount++ = voteCount.toString()
const triangle = document.querySelector('.game__vote-button > span > .triangle__icon');