
A fun app utilising: https://thecatapi.com/ that provided users with a space to search the world's known cat breeds to receive detailed information about the breed searched.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Mark Watson

[webpage] github


Table of Contents

  1. Project Description
  2. User Story
  3. Acceptance Criteria
  4. Installation
  5. Usage
  6. Credits
  7. License
  8. Repository Status
  9. Contribute
  10. Tests
  11. Checklist

1. Description

What is this project?

  • Simple application for cat lovers to review the 60+ breeds known in the world.

    [Live application: kitty-wiki.herokuapp.com]

    Mark Watson Mark Watson Mark Watson

Why this project?

  • Blowfish Studios invited me to code this application based on a user story they provided.

2. User Story

  • AS a domestic cat lover and possibly interested in adding to my domestic cat family
  • I WANT to have a place to search all the known cat breeds in the world
  • SO THAT I can get more information on the different breeds.

3. Acceptance Criteria

  • GIVEN a landing page dedicated to domestic cat breeds
  • WHEN I search for cat breeds from the homepage and select a breed of my choice from the list
  • THEN I am taken to a new page that provides details specific to the breed I selected
  • WHEN seeing the page about the cat breed I selected I see more photos of the breed
  • AND I see the breed details including description, temperament, origin, life span, adaptability, affection level, child-friendly, grooming, intelligence, health issues, social needs, stranger friendly.

4. Installation

You are welcome to download the source code from my Github repository

Once downloaded, you will need to install the dependencies with the following command in your terminal:

npm install

To run the application, type in the command line:

npm start develop


5. Usage

The code can be downloaded from my Github repository for all assets created for the project.

You are welcome to modify the code as you need as allowed by the license

6. Credits

7. License

The works in this repository are subject to:


8. Github repo status

GitHub top language GitHub language count GitHub last commit GitHub commits in last month

9. How to Contribute

If you would like to contribute, please comply with the Contributor Covenant Code of Conduct:

Contributor Covenant

10. Tests

  • Blowfish Studios provided 1 unit test that I've adapted however I ran out of time to set up any further tests.

11. Checklist

All actions not checked are still to be completed:

[x] This application satisfies the following acceptance criteria:

  • Uses React for the front end.
  • Uses Node.js and Express.js server.
  • Uses the Cat API.
  • Allows users to choose a cat breed from a drop down menu.
  • Breed details including description, temperament, origin, life span, adaptability, affection level, child-friendly, grooming, intelligence, health issues, social needs, stranger friendly is provided.
    [x] Is an installable PWA application. [x] Application is deployed to Heroku kitty-wiki.herokuapp.com.
    [x] Application loads with no errors.
    [x] User experience is intuitive and easy to navigate.
    [x] User interface style is clean and polished.
    [x] Application resembles the mock-up functionality provided by Blowfish Studios.
    [x] GitHub repository contains application code. [x] Application is deployed to GitHub Pages: Github location: https://github.com/Mark33Mark/catwiki
    [x] Repository has a unique name.
    [x] Repository follows best practices for class/id naming conventions, indentation, quality comments, etc.
    [x] Repository contains multiple descriptive commit messages.
    [x] Repository contains quality README file with description, screenshot, and link to deployed application: Github location: https://github.com/Mark33Mark/catwiki.

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