
My solutions to AoC 2023 while learning Rust.

Using for retrieving puzzle inputs and running/benchmarking solutions.


1. Provide puzzle inputs

Given I've decided to not include puzzle inputs in the repository any more.

You can either

  • add the puzzle inputs manually in input/2023/ (i.e. day1.txt), or
  • set your AoC session token with cargo aoc credentials -s <token> and retrieve your inputs with ./

2. Running solutions

All solutions:

cargo run

Last solution (add -d <day> -y <year> for a specific one):

cargo aoc

Other commands

Run solutions with sample inputs (and other unittests):

cargo test

Benchmark all solutions (add -d <day> -y <year> for a specific one, add -o for gnuplot output):

cargo aoc bench