My old Breakout Clone from 2016
I figured I should post some of these old projects up on my github to show how I've improved over the years.
This is a fairly simple breakout clone using vanilla javascript and canvas.
- I did get the ball to bounce back at different angles depending on where it hits the paddle, I remember being pretty proud of that.
- Two whole powerups. Would be nice to add more but if I wanted to work on breakout these days I would start a new project.
- Variations: A few levels have some randomized block positions, different ball sizes, and different paddle sizes. You can also change the drop rate of the powers.
Touching this powerup with your paddle will create four more balls and fire them out in four diagonal directions at the position of one of your existing balls.
Great name, I know.. It doesn't shoot paddles, but it allows your paddle to shoot little projectiles that will fire strait up every second, destroying blocks above. Destroying blocks this way does not drop any powerups, however.