
Python Discord Bot. Random reactions, play MUDs or Text Adventures in discord!

Primary LanguagePython

This is a python Discord Bot I made a few years ago. Random reactions, play MUDs or Text Adventures in discord!


The goal of this bot was to be able to play MUDs through discord via chat commands you send to the bot. It uses a command line client called TinyFugue. Later I added FrobTads client connectivity for playing Interactive Fiction games through discord as well, but it's not fully supported.

Some games will not work through Frobtads very well, or won't display properly in plain text output, which is what the bot is able to parse. Currently changing games requires changing settings on the clients themselves.

The bot will also rarely add a random reaction from the server on any message that comes in. This can be disabled through bot commands, but it has proven to be quite entertaining.


As TinyFugue allows commands that execute to the shell, you really need to set the '/restrict shell' command in the local.tf file of your tinyfugue install directory. '/restrict file' or '/restrict world' may be even better depending on your needs and who has access to the bot. Even with these commands, there is no guarantee of the security of this bot or of TinyFugue itself. Be careful!

See this url for information on the /restrict command: https://northstar-www.dartmouth.edu/doc/tf/commands/restrict.html

Unless you want people to have access to run commands on YOUR SERVER you will definitely want to follow the above advice!


This requires TinyFugue to work, and by default it expects tinyfugue to be installed in PATH and accessible with 'tf'.

The game sessions are tied to the room they were initiated in. This helps allow multiple sessions to run at the same time, but only one per room.

Currently the bot only sends text from the mud every two seconds, and immediately after a command is sent to the mud.

There is no color support.

A simpler implementation could be done with a telnet library, but it would lack some of the functions that tinyfugue provides.


Install python 3. I suggest using a virtual environment as well. I believe only discord.py is required from pip, 'pip install discord.py', but I will clean up my environment and if needed create a requirements.txt file, which would allow you to install dependencies with 'pip install -r requirements.txt'.

Additionally, tinyfugue will be required. This bot has only been tested on debian, where you'd simply use 'sudo apt install tf'. See your OS's requirements for installing TinyFugue. I'm not sure how difficult it would be to modify this to work on Windows.


This bot takes no command line arguments. Simply 'python discordbot.py' or 'python3 discordbot.py' depending on your environment to start the bot.

It will print out the app id, which you can use to create an invite link to invite the bot into servers. You can use 'https://discordapp.com/oauth2/authorize?client_id=(bot_id)&scope=bot' link, substituting your bot id with (bot_id) [no parentheses] to add the bot to any servers you admin. You can also generate this link via the discord interface.

Chat Commands:

The default prefix is % for bot commands, and $ for custom commands (see the 'prefix' command below, and the 'add' command for info on custom commands).

Syntax in the discord chat is like most bots; '(prefix)(commandname) [args]'

In the list below, (args) are required, and [args] are optional.

Regular Commands:

These commands work for everone unless their discord role in the
server is blacklisted (see 'blacklist' command).

-- help: Lists commands in the chat.

-- mudstart: Starts a TinyFugue MUD session tied to the chat
    room. Output from the mud will be fed into only this room.
-- mudstop: Stops the MUD session in the current room.

-- md (command): Send command to TinyFugue in the current room
    session. See examples:
    '%md /help': This will send '/help' to TinyFugue, which will
        give general tinyfugue client help.
    '%md /connect discworld.starturtle.net 4242': Connect to the
        discworld MUD.
    '%md look at cabbage': Send the command 'look at cabbage' to
        the connected MUD. Has no effect if not connected to a
-- / (command): Slightly shorter alias to the 'md' command.

-- ifstart: (Not fully implemented) Similar to 'mudstart', but
    for interactive fiction via FrobTads. Currently not tied to a
    room session or server.
-- ifstop: End the global IF session.

-- if: Similar to 'md' command, but sends command to the global
    interactive fiction session.
-- i: Alias for 'if' command.

-- say [text]: Make the bot say something. The bot currently
    listens to itself; it can trigger commands from itself.
    This can lead to infinite loops. That will likely be changed
    to default disabled.
-- randchoice (choices): 'Choices' should be separated ny a
    space. The bot will randomly say one of the choices.
    '%randchoice yes no maybe': The bot will randomly say one
        of these options.
-- randint (number, number): Responds with a random number
    between the two given numbers.
-- roll [(num)d(num)]: Outputs a simulated die roll via the
    standard ndx pattern (sum of n dice x times). Defaults: 2d6.

Custom commands:

See 'add' command below. Use the custom command
prefix to send custom commands. By default the custom prefix
is '$', so if you created a custom command with '%add blah 
https://docs.python.org/3/', you'd use '$blah' and the bot
would respond with 'https://docs.python.org/3/' in the chat.
Currently, this can be used to make shortcuts to other
commands. Example:

'%add roll100 %roll 1d100' would allow you to use
    '$roll100' to make the bot send '%roll 1d100', which
    would result in the bot rolling 1d100 per the '%roll'
    command above.

This CAN be used to create infinite loops.

Permission-required Commands:

These commands can only be executed by the server admin(s) or by
people with roles that are permitted (see 'perm' command),
unless blacklisted.

-- perm (role): Add a discord server role to the permitted list.
    Any member with this role will be able to use these
    permission-required commands, including permitting other
    roles. Be careful!
-- unperm (role): Remove 'role' from the permitted list.

-- prefix (character): Sets 'character' to the new prefix.

    '%prefix !': The new prefix for standard bot commands will
        now be '!'. To use the say command in this case you
        would now use '!say'.
-- add (custom command) (output): Add 'custom command' as a
    custom command in the current server which results in the
    bot sending 'output' to the chat. See 'Custom commands'
    above for more examples. Example:
    '%add hello Hi everyone!': Add the custom command 'hello',
        which allows users to type '$hello' (by default) to make
        the bot send 'Hi everyone!' to the chat.
-- remove (custom command): Remove the custom command 'custom
    command' from the current server.
-- customprefix (prefix): Change the prefix for custom commands
    to 'prefix'. You can make this the same as the regular
    prefix, it will check for standard commands first.
-- addrandemotes: (To be removed) This will turn on random
    emotes on this server. Randomly, 1% of the time every
    message from a non-blacklisted member will be reacted by the
    bot with a server emote.
-- remrandemotes: Remove this server from the random emotes.

-- blacklist (role): Blacklist members from using the bot if
    they are under the 'role' discord role. This overrides the
    permitted roles as well as ADMIN status. The '@everyone'
    role cannot be added to this list. If you manage to
    blacklist everyone, including the admins, simply
    temporarily remove the discord role from an admin and
    'unblacklist' and/or permit as needed.
-- unblacklist (role): Remove the discord role 'role' from the
    bot blacklist.

Bugs: Occasionally I have seen an ioctl error, probably related to the mud or the client trying to access or adjust terminal settings and sending an error message to chat because there is no terminal. Currently just filtering the error out of the output.