INSTALL: ======== The source tree is based on autotools to configure the building, and does also have the necessary bits in place to do functional unit tests using the varnishtest tool. Usage: ./ ./configure VARNISHSRC=DIR [VMODDIR=DIR] VARNISHSRC is the directory of the Varnish source tree for which to compile your vmod. Both the VARNISHSRC and VARNISHSRC/include will be added to the include search paths for your module. Optionally you can also set the vmod install directory by adding VMODDIR=DIR (defaults to the pkg-config discovered directory from your Varnish installation). Make targets: make - builds the vmod make install - installs your vmod in VMODDIR if VMODDIR is not on the user space do 'sudo make install' instead On your VCL configuration: import threescale; set req.http.X-tmp = threescale.send_get_request_threaded("","80",req.url,""); set req.http.X-tmp = threescale.send_get_request("","80",req.url,"X-url-header: true;"); It is recommended to use the configuration file provided in this package on vcl/default_3scale_simple.vcl, Another example is vcl/default_3scale_with_proxy.vcl, which has an out-of-the-box proxy solution for your API sudo mv /etc/varnish/default.vcl /etc/varnish/default.vcl.bkp sudo cp libmod-3scale/vcl/default_3scale_simple.vcl /etc/varnish/default.vcl sudo /etc/init.d/varnish restart It is always advisable to check the syslog for failures while testing tail -f /var/log/syslog | egrep 'varnish'