Miti-learn is a Python package for machine learning based quantum error mitigation. It is designed to be a flexible and user-friendly tool for researchers and practitioners to develop and apply machine learning models for quantum error mitigation.
Mark Chen - Quantum Machine Learning Researcher
To install the package, you can use pip:
pip install miti-learn
The package provides a high-level API for training and applying machine learning models for quantum error mitigation. The following example demonstrates how to use the package to train a machine learning model for quantum error mitigation and apply it to mitigate errors in a quantum circuit.
import miti_learn as miti
mitigator = miti.MitiLearn()
model = mitigator.load_model(num_qubits=5, model_type='linear')
mitigated_circuit = mitigator.apply_model(model, noisy_circuit)
We welcome contributions from the community. If you would like to contribute to the project, please refer to the contributing guidelines.