MVC Share Posts

This framework was developerd from completing the Object Oriented PHP & MVC course created by Brad Traversy. All credits go to Brad Traversy.


Domain mapping for this project is set to share-posts. Run docker-compose build in the root dir. Once the container is built, run docker-compose up.

Docker commands

  • docker run -> creates a container from an image (if not present locally it pulls from remote)
  • docker stop <container_id> -> stops the container
  • docker start <container_id> -> starts the container of an existing container
  • docker ps -> Check all containers running
  • `docker ps -a`` -> Check all containers running and not running
  • docker rm <container_id> -> removes the container
  • docker rmi <image_id> -> removes the image


  • docker logs <container_id> -> logs of the container
  • docker exec -it <container_id> /bin/bash -> enter bash in the container You can replace container_id with custom names...


  • -d -> detach mode which means you can run the container in the background
  • -p <localport>:<containerport> -> port mapping to allow access to the container
  • -f -> force remove the container if it exists
  • --name <name> -> name of the container



Docker compose

The idea of docker compose is to create a docker-compose.yml file and then run it. Inside the docker-compose.yml file you can define the images, ports, volumes, and other parameters. It creates a docker network and then creates the containers. this way you can have multiple containers running in the same network.

Docker compose commands

  • docker-compose -f <filename> up -> starts the containers
  • docker-compose down -> stops the containers
  • docker-compose build -> builds the containers
  • docker-compose run <container_name> -> runs the container
  • docker-compose logs <container_name> -> logs of the container

Mostly used for cleanup or regenerating all containers

Remove all docker containers in order to rebuild by running docker-compose down

then to clean up containers

docker container prune

then to clean up images

docker image prune -a

then to clean up volumes (Getting rid of the volumes will lose data. eg local databases. Elastic Search indexes If you need that backup first.)

docker volume prune