Jenkins plugin to add badges and build summary entries from a pipeline.
This plugin was forked from the Groovy Postbuild Plugin which will in future use the API from this plugin.
This method allows to add build badge icons.
// puts a badge with the given icon and text.
// addBadge
// ------------------------------------------
* minimal params
* icon: The icon for this badge
* text: The text for this badge
addBadge(icon: <icon>, text: <text>)
* all params
* icon: The icon for this badge
* text: The text for this badge
* color: (optional) The Jenkins palette/semantic color name of the badge icon symbol
* id: (optional) Badge identifier. Selectively delete badges by id.
* link: (optional) The link to be added to this badge
addBadge(icon: <icon>, text: <text>, color: <color>,
id: <id>, link: <link>)
// addInfoBadge
// ------------------------------------------
* minimal params
* text: The info text for this badge
addInfoBadge(text: <text>)
* all params
* text: The info text for this badge
* id: (optional) Badge identifier. Selectively delete badges by id.
* link: (optional) The link to be added to this badge
addInfoBadge(text: <text>, id: <id>, link: <link>)
// addWarningBadge
// ------------------------------------------
* minimal params
* text: The text for this warning badge
addWarningBadge(text: <text>)
* all params
* text: The text for this warning badge
* id: (optional) Badge identifier. Selectively delete badges by id.
* link: (optional) The link to be added to this badge
addWarningBadge(text: <text>, id: <id>, link: <link>)
// addErrorBadge
// ------------------------------------------
* minimal params
* text: The text for this error badge
addErrorBadge(text: <text>)
* all params
* text: The text for this error badge
* id: (optional) Badge identifier. Selectively delete badges by id.
* link: (optional) The link to be added to this badge
addErrorBadge(text: <text>, id: <id>, link: <link>)
Removes badges
// removes badges. If no id is provided all are removed.
// If an id is provided, remove badges with the matching id.
// removeBadges
// ------------------------------------------
* minimal params
* all params
* id: (optional) Badge identifier. Selectively delete badges by id.
removeBadges(id: <id>)
Puts a badge with custom html
// puts a badge with a custom html content.
// addHtmlBadge
// ------------------------------------------
* minimal params
* html: The html content to be used for this badge
addHtmlBadge(html: <html>)
* all params
* html: The html content to be used for this badge
* id: (optional) Badge identifier. Selectively delete badges by id.
addHtmlBadge(html: <html>, id: <id>)
Removes html badges
// removes html badges. If no id is provided all are removed.
// If an id is provided, remove badges with the matching id.
// removeHtmlBadges
// ------------------------------------------
* minimal params
* all params
* id: (optional) Badge identifier. Selectively delete badges by id.
removeHtmlBadges(id: <id>)
Puts a badge with a short text
// puts a badge with a short text, using the default format.
// For Colors supported, Google "html color names".
// addShortText
// ------------------------------------------
* minimal params
* text: The text to add fot this badge
addShortText(text: <text>)
* all params
* text: The text to add fot this badge
* background: (optional) The background-color for this short text
* border: (optional) The border width for this short text
* borderColor: (optional) The order color for this short text
* color: (optional) The color for this short text
* link: (optional) The link for this short text
addShortText(text: <text>, background: <background>,
border: <border>, borderColor: <borderColor>,
color: <color>, link: <link>)
Puts a badge with a short text
// creates an entry in the build summary page and returns a summary
// object corresponding to this entry. The icon must be one of the 48x48
// icons offered.
// createSummary
// ------------------------------------------
* minimal params
* icon: The icon for this summary
createSummary(icon: <icon>)
* all params
* icon: The icon for this summary
* id: (optional) Badge identifier. Selectively delete badges by id.
* text: (optional) The title text for this summary
createSummary(icon: <icon>, id: <id>, text: <text>)
def summary = createSummary(icon)
summary.appendText(text, escapeHtml)
summary.appendText(text, escapeHtml, bold, italic, color)
Removes summaries
// removes summaries. If no id is provided all are removed.
// If an id is provided, remove badges with the matching id.
// removeSummaries
// ------------------------------------------
* minimal params
* all params
* id: (optional) Badge identifier. Selectively delete badges by id.
removeSummaries(id: <id>)
Icons can reference Jenkins Symbols, including all the symbols provided by the ionicons-api-plugin.
More symbols can be referenced by installing additional plugins, such as font-awesome-api-plugin or custom-folder-icon-plugin.
addBadge(icon: 'symbol-cube', text: 'a cubed build')
addBadge(icon: 'symbol-star plugin-ionicons-api', text: 'a starred build')
addBadge(icon: 'symbol-symbolName plugin-yourArtifactId', text: 'another icon build')
In addition to the default 16x16 icons offered by Jenkins, badge plugin provides the following icons:
- completed.gif
- db_in.gif
- db_out.gif
- delete.gif
- error.gif
- folder.gif
- green.gif
- info.gif
- red.gif
- save.gif
- success.gif
- text.gif
- warning.gif
- yellow.gif
Other plugin icons can be used by setting the path of the icon within the jenkins context. Don't forget the leading '/'.
addBadge(icon: "/static/8361d0d6/images/16x16/help.png", text: "help")
Colors may reference Jenkins palette colors or variables.
badges must reference a named color from the Jenkins palette.
// jenkins palette colors
addBadge(icon: 'symbol-star plugin-ionicons-api', text: 'A star', color: 'yellow')
addBadge(icon: 'symbol-star plugin-ionicons-api', text: 'A star', color: 'dark-yellow')
addBadge(icon: 'symbol-star plugin-ionicons-api', text: 'A star', color: 'jenkins-!-color-yellow')
// jenkins semantic colors
addBadge(icon: 'symbol-star plugin-ionicons-api', text: 'A star', color: 'warning')
addBadge(icon: 'symbol-star plugin-ionicons-api', text: 'A star', color: 'success')
addBadge(icon: 'symbol-star plugin-ionicons-api', text: 'A star', color: 'jenkins-!-warning-color')
Short text badges may use additional css color styles.
// jenkins palette colors
addShortText(text: 'ok', color: 'green')
addShortText(text: 'ok', color: 'jenkins-!-color-green')
// jenkins semantic colors
addShortText(text: 'ok', color: 'success')
addShortText(text: 'ok', color: 'jenkins-!-success-color')
// css colors
addShortText(text: 'ok', color: '#42f557')
addShortText(text: 'ok', color: 'rgb(66, 245, 87)')
addShortText(text: 'ok', color: 'var(--green)') // jenkins css vars
The badge plugin uses by default the OWASP Markup Formatter to sanitize the HTML Badge and Summary. This feature can be disabled in the Jenkins configuration: Manage Jenkins -> Configure System -> Badge Plugin