
A printf team prject

Primary LanguageC

ALX Software Engineering Printf Team Project

This team project is a custom made printf function for the C programming language called _printf. It has been optimized to take various inputs and optional arguments based exactly on how the standard library function printf works. We submitted this as part of the ALX software engineering course requirement for grading.


  • This function _printf() writes output to stdout, the standard output stream with the format and options without making use of any of the standard library files. It was written to use a local buffer of 1024 bytes when printing although it can print larger sets of data.

  • The _printf() function returns the total number of characters printed to the stdout(excluding the null byte at the end of strings) after a successful execution.

  • If an output error is encountered, a negative value of -1 is returned.

  • The prototype of this function is: int _printf(const char format, ...);

  • This means that it has one mandatory format argument, and an extra number of arguments that can be none, or many.