PhotonVision is the free, fast, and easy-to-use computer vision solution for the FIRST Robotics Competition. You can read an overview of our features on our website. You can find our comprehensive documentation here.
A copy of the latest Raspberry Pi image is available here. A copy of the latest standalone JAR is available here. If you are a Gloworm user you can find the latest Gloworm image here.
If you are interested in contributing code or documentation to the project, please read our getting started page for contributors and join the Discord to introduce yourself! We hope to provide a welcoming community to anyone who is interested in helping.
A list of contributors is available in our documentation on ReadTheDocs.
PhotonVision was forked from Chameleon Vision. Thank you to everyone who worked on the original project.
WPILib - Specifically cscore, CameraServer, NTCore, and OpenCV.
Apache Commons - Specifically Commons Math, and Commons Lang
PhotonVision is licensed under the GNU General Public License