
(WIP) Concurrency webdriver launcher.

Primary LanguageCoffeeScript

Karma-saucelabs-launcher NPM version Build Status

Launch any browser on SauceLabs at concurrency.


$ npm install karma-saucelabs-launcher --global


Create ./.saucelabs.yml like a below:

  - name: chrome
    version: latest
  - name: ie
    version: '8,9,10,11'
  - name: firefox
    version: 25..latest
    platform: 'Linux'
  - name: safari
    version: 5..latest
  - name: iphone
    version: '7.1,latest'
  - name: ipad
    version: oldest
  - name: android
    version: ..latest

Create a ./test/index.js (Case: karma-mocha)

    // throw new Error('fake')

Export a environment of SauceLabs

export SAUCE_USERNAME=*****
export SAUCE_ACCESS_KEY=********-****-****-****-************

Start the karma.

$ karma-sauce --log-level INFO
# $ karma start --log-level INFO --browsers Sauce --reporters sauce --single-runINFO [karma]: Karma v0.12.36 server started at http://localhost:9876/
# INFO [launcher]: Starting browser SauceLauncher
# INFO [launcher:sauce]: Found 33 wds in https://saucelabs.com/rest/v1/info/browsers/webdriver
# INFO [wd]: Start chrome@43 at Mac 10.6
# INFO [wd]: Start internet explorer@8 at Windows 2003
# INFO [wd]: Start internet explorer@9 at Windows 2008
# INFO [wd]: Queuing internet explorer@10 at Windows 2012
# INFO [wd]: Queuing internet explorer@11 at Windows 2012 R2
# INFO [wd]: Queuing firefox@25 at Linux
# INFO [wd]: Queuing firefox@26 at Linux
# INFO [wd]: Queuing firefox@27 at Linux
# INFO [wd]: Queuing firefox@28 at Linux
# INFO [wd]: Queuing firefox@29 at Linux
# INFO [wd]: Queuing firefox@30 at Linux
# INFO [wd]: Queuing firefox@31 at Linux
# INFO [wd]: Queuing firefox@32 at Linux
# INFO [wd]: Queuing firefox@33 at Linux
# INFO [wd]: Queuing firefox@34 at Linux
# INFO [wd]: Queuing firefox@35 at Linux
# INFO [wd]: Queuing firefox@36 at Linux
# INFO [wd]: Queuing firefox@37 at Linux
# INFO [wd]: Queuing firefox@38 at Linux
# INFO [wd]: Queuing safari@5 at Mac 10.6
# INFO [wd]: Queuing safari@6 at Mac 10.8
# INFO [wd]: Queuing safari@7 at Mac 10.9
# INFO [wd]: Queuing safari@8 at Mac 10.10
# INFO [wd]: Queuing iphone@7.1 at Mac 10.9
# INFO [wd]: Queuing iphone@8.2 at Mac 10.10
# INFO [wd]: Queuing ipad@4.3 at Mac 10.6
# INFO [wd]: Queuing android@4.0 at Linux
# INFO [wd]: Queuing android@4.1 at Linux
# INFO [wd]: Queuing android@4.2 at Linux
# INFO [wd]: Queuing android@4.3 at Linux
# INFO [wd]: Queuing android@4.4 at Linux
# INFO [wd]: Queuing android@5.0 at Linux
# INFO [wd]: Queuing android@5.1 at Linux
# ...
# INFO [wd]: 31 passed, 2 failed. Total 33 browsers(438.264 sec).

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