
More than just a modern Character Map. Glif shows fonts from your local system as well as from online sources. It also exposes a number of tools for developers that can help you get the code you need to use a glyph in XAML, HTML, CSS, C# and many others.

MIT LicenseMIT


What is Glif?

More than just a modern Character Map. Glif shows fonts from your local system as well as from online sources. It also exposes a number of tools for developers that can help you get the code you need to use a glyph in XAML, HTML, CSS, C# and many others.


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Contributions are Welcome

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In the future, this repo will include code and contributions will be greatly appreciated when that time comes.


You can view the documentation through the repo's wiki.


You can view the roadmap through the repo's milestones.


This is licensed under the MIT License