
Proof of concept for multi-tenant mobile app with offline syncing.

Primary LanguageC#MIT LicenseMIT


This solution is a proof of concept for the infrastructure required to make a multi-tenant mobile application that can sync data for offline usage. As such there are only a couple of properties per data table.

All tenant data is to be isolated from other tenants.

All API's are configured in a microservice manner. Each with their own database. This requirement required special processing with the multi-tenancy.


Access to the backend API's is to be controlled with JWT tokens issued from an Identity Server 4 instance.

The JWT Token also contains a claim for the identity of the tenant.

There is a single instance of the ID4 Server used by all tenants. Although Finbuckle can manage per-tenant authentication, this is not a requirement for this solution.


Multi-tenancy is controlled using Finbuckle.MultiTenant.

Finbuckle allows for complete data isolation, and if required per tenant options for Identity. Data isolation can be database per tenant, or multiple tenants in a single database using a TenantId property, or a hybrid of both depending on the tenant's requirements.

Finbuckle has excellent support for EF7, so this was the chosen route for data access.

Backend API's

All API's are .Net 7 WebAPI's with Controllers.

Access is controlled using JWT tokens, and Authorisation Policies.


As this is a proof of concept only, most testing is performed with integration testing against an actual SQL Server database. For a full solution unit tests would need to be created.

Tests confirm that only records from the current tenant are returned.

To run the test successfully, an instance of the IdentityServer must be running to allow the tests to obtain a valid JWT token.

Current Progress

Currently evaluating different offline sync options. Initially looked at Azure Mobile Apps, initially looked good, but very quickly ran into issues with complex objects, i.e. Invoice and Invoice Items. Although EF Core can manage these types of entities with SQLite, Azure Mobiles Apps cannot.

Next I took a look at NubeSync, but the SQLite version had identical issues to Azure Mobile Apps with complex graphs. However, there is an EFCore version of the NubeSync client, and I am hopeful that can be made to work with invoices.

I also concurrently had a look at DotMim.sync. This works at a pure database level, so is not aware of the tenant Id, and tenant separation of data. There is a filtering option, but I feel implementing this would be re-inventing the wheel when we already have a good multi-tenant solution in place, that has been thoroughly tested.

I have added some basic tests to confirm EF Core with an SQLite provider can natively handle complex graphs, and it does seems to. So finding a sync solution that works on top of EFCore would be my preferred option. I may end up having to roll my own, but having done this elsewhere I am aware of the complexities in conflict resolution etc.