
A version of Minesweeper created in an excel spreadsheet with VBA


A version of Minesweeper created in an Excel spreadsheet with VBA. To see the code open the file in Excel and go to the VBA IDE.

How to Play:

  • Uncover a square by double clicking
  • Flag a square as a bomb by clicking once to select the square and then right clicking it.
  • Double clicking on an uncovered number will uncover all the uncovered squares around that number that aren't flagged. This is a time saver but may set off bombs if you haven't flagged them correctly!


This was the first thing I ever created with programming. I did it when I had started my job as a graduate mechanical engineer and initially wasn't very busy. I saw how useful macros in Excel were in my team so I started learning how to program them and this became my pet project.

I was working on adding a high score table, but it remains unfinished as I eventually had to start doing normal engineer work!