
Spending on political ads on Facebook in the UK

Primary LanguagePython


This project pull data on all the political ads run in the UK available from Facebook's Ad Library API. The purpose of this to allow analysis of who is running what ads, how much they're spending and what demographics they're targeting.

Once ads are pulled from the API they're uploaded into database tables and then unnested and loaded into more accessible tables in a snowflake schema.

Data about the UK population and Facebook users by age group is also uploaded.

Data for over 100,000 ads is available and when the nested demographic data is extracted this gives well over 1m rows of data to work with.

Tools used

The pipeline is run with Apache Airflow. Google Cloud Composer, which offers a managed environment (you don't have to worry about handling VM crashes), was used to run Airflow.

Data is uploaded into Google BigQuery. A data warehouse made for handling huge amounts of data.

DAG created in Airflow: airflow_dag

Set up

  • You'll need a Facebook developer account, set up an app then get a user access token for it. Add this to the config.py file.
  • The pipeline was made to be run in Google Cloud Composer, Google's managed version of Apache Airflow that runs on Kubernetes nodes. If you are not also using Cloud Composer you'll likely need to:
    • Set up a service account on Google Cloud Platform
    • Give it permission to access BigQuery
    • Download the credentials json file
    • Set the GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS environment variable to be the path to it

Further details here if needed.

Data Sources

  • Facebook Ad Library: over 100k political ads containing nested information about them. Gives a data set of over 1 million rows when the demographic information is split out.

  • guardian_facebook_users_2018.csv is from this Guardian article on Facebook users.

  • ons_uk_population_estimates_from_2016_for_2019.csv is from the UK Office of National Statistics and available here.

Tables produced from sources

database ERD

Query example

As well looking at things like spend by party you can combine the ad spend data with population and user data to see who is being targeted the most.

For example the below query finds the average amount spent per facebook user or per head of UK population in each age band:

spend_by_age AS (
  --SUM(demos.percentage) to add male and female percentages
  spends.amount * SUM(demos.percentage) AS spend_on_age_group
FROM `bbm-data-lake-prod.markm_udacity_project2.ads` AS ads
LEFT JOIN `bbm-data-lake-prod.markm_udacity_project2.spends` AS spends
  ON ads.id = spends.ad_id
  AND spends.currency = 'GBP'
  AND spends.bound = 'midpoint'
LEFT JOIN `bbm-data-lake-prod.markm_udacity_project2.demographics` AS demos
  ON ads.id = demos.ad_id
GROUP BY ads.id, spends.amount, demos.age

agg_spend_by_age AS (
  SUM(spend_on_age_group) AS spend
FROM spend_by_age

  ROUND(SUM(spend), 2) AS gbp_spent,
  --sum uk population to add male and female rows
  ROUND(SUM(spend) / SUM(uk_pops.uk_population), 4) AS spend_per_head_uk_population,
  ROUND(SUM(spend) / fb_users.population, 4) AS spend_per_facebook_user
FROM agg_spend_by_age
LEFT JOIN `bbm-data-lake-prod.markm_udacity_project2.uk_population_by_age_groups` AS uk_pops
  ON agg_spend_by_age.age = uk_pops.fb_age_group
LEFT JOIN `bbm-data-lake-prod.markm_udacity_project2.facebook_users_by_age_groups` AS fb_users
  ON agg_spend_by_age.age = fb_users.age_group
GROUP BY age, fb_users.population

Which gives results of:

age     gbp_spent   spend_per_head_uk_population    spend_per_facebook_user
13-17    4626.86      0.001                           0.0025
18-24    66615.58     0.0119                          0.0148
25-34    121905.28    0.0135                          0.0169
35-44    93586.47     0.0111                          0.0159
45-54    82850.97     0.0091                          0.0148
55-64    68328.69     0.0084                          0.0195
65+      57593.23     0.0046                          0.0199