:books: A collection of papers about Referring Image Segmentation.
- aaadryyyParis
- AadSahCaltech
- airportdc
- ChenyunWu
- CSer-Tang-haoThe Hong Kong Polytechnic University
- felixkreukIsrael
- forenceInstitute of Automation, Chinese Academy of Sciences
- gwy-nk
- HubHopDeepSeek
- kambehmwRist Inc.
- Kinpzz
- KunpengLi1994Boston, USA
- liuxindazz
- lowa1024
- ltp1995Tongji University
- luowy1001
- lz118
- michalwolsNew York
- Najlepszy
- paperfactory
- rainfalj
- RelentoStanford University
- rogerbao
- scutpaulTencent AILab
- Shivanshmundra
- TheShadow29Meta
- thisisashuklaGurugram, India
- vacancyMIT
- vijaygillGillSoft Limited, Ireland
- WenjiaWang0312The University of Hong Kong
- wtjiang98Alibaba
- wwwZYF
- youngfly11ShanghaiTech
- zhaoc5Australian Institute for Machine Learning (AIML)
- zhuizhui-jj
- zwh1999anne