The task is to develop an application to monitor IOTA addresses for their latest balances. Your code will be written in Svelte and Typescript.

Task Requirements

  • Allow user to enter IOTA addresses;
  • Maintain a list of these addresses and their current balance and display the list in the UI;
  • Use an IOTA node (through ZMQ feed or polling) to continuously check for the addresses’ balance;
  • You can use any IOTA library but the easiest will be;
  • Allow the user to remove an address from the list;
  • Allow the user to search for an address by the address itself or balance;
  • Use git for versioning;
  • Choose your own UI design and feel free to use existing component libraries if you want to;
  • will be a helpful resource.

Implemented Features

  • The user can add a new address with the big floating button.
    • The dialog includes validation (Name required, Address required and correct format)
  • The list is updated instantly using store-variables
  • On save, the balance for the new address will be fetched (from the chrysalis devnet)
  • Every 5 seconds, the (potentially) new balances will be fetched for each address and updated in the UI (can be tested with the IOTA faucet on
  • For each list item the user has 2 interactions:
    • Copy to clipboard: copies the address into the clipboard for later use
    • Delete: After asking for confirmation, the element will be deleted from the list
  • The list is also saved into the browsers local storage to persist the data on reload
  • The list can be filtered within the header according the there listed filter criteria
  • The list can be ordered in ascending and descending order by clicking on the lists labels (Name, Address, Balance)
  • The application is optimized for mobile and desktop use
  • For easy development and deployment, the application can be build with the Dockerfile and run with the docker-compose.yml files
  • The web app is available on: ""