
UK Population data and forecasts

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Trying to gather population data by age and year historical and projections to use in regression models for driving test demand forecasts.


to install from GitHub



This is a basic example which shows you how to solve a common problem:

#> # A tibble: 27 x 319
#>    Year  Total_Age_0 Total_Age_1 Total_Age_2 Total_Age_3 Total_Age_4 Total_Age_5
#>    <chr>       <dbl>       <dbl>       <dbl>       <dbl>       <dbl>       <dbl>
#>  1 2001       662662      679455      698903      710986      730156      724436
#>  2 2002       661786      664800      682505      702372      714737      734046
#>  3 2003       679910      662639      667850      685822      706437      718816
#>  4 2004       704450      679406      663651      670805      689289      710619
#>  5 2005       716331      704755      680794      665589      674460      691326
#>  6 2006       734035      716092      704383      681323      666792      676448
#>  7 2007       757429      737641      717749      705686      683009      668737
#>  8 2008       788225      758643      740782      718402      705931      683652
#>  9 2009       782726      787962      759942      743661      718630      706675
#> 10 2010       791801      781631      788659      761633      746833      719662
#> # ... with 17 more rows, and 312 more variables: Total_Age_6 <dbl>,
#> #   Total_Age_7 <dbl>, Total_Age_8 <dbl>, Total_Age_9 <dbl>,
#> #   Total_Age_10 <dbl>, Total_Age_11 <dbl>, Total_Age_12 <dbl>,
#> #   Total_Age_13 <dbl>, Total_Age_14 <dbl>, Total_Age_15 <dbl>,
#> #   Total_Age_16 <dbl>, Total_Age_17 <dbl>, Total_Age_18 <dbl>,
#> #   Total_Age_19 <dbl>, Total_Age_20 <dbl>, Total_Age_21 <dbl>,
#> #   Total_Age_22 <dbl>, Total_Age_23 <dbl>, Total_Age_24 <dbl>, ...

Updating the data

Download the files as listed below and copy them into the /inst/extdata/ folder

Obtaining Historical data

It appears to be a static spreadsheet which changes name every time is it updated

Current release date: 25 June 2021

Next Release due: September 2022

  • Start website: www.ons.gov.uk
  • Main menu: People, population and community Dropdown option: Population and migration
  • In this section option: Population estimates Scroll down to: Datasets related to population estimates
  • Select: Estimates of the population for the UK, England and Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland
  • Expand section: Mid-2001 to mid-2020 detailed time series edition of this dataset
  • Supporting files you may find useful: UK population estimates, 1838 to 2020 (XLSX, 2.0 MB)

Direct link to current file: UK population estimates, 1838 to 2020 (XLSX, 2.0 MB)

Obtaining Projected Data

From a tool from the ONS to download customised data

  • Start website: www.nomisweb.co.uk
  • Data Downloads section: Query Data
  • Select Datasets by source: Population Estimates/Projections
  • Opened folder: National Population projections by single age of year

Make the following selections:

  • Geography: Great Britain
  • Ages: un-check all “Labour Market categories” and check only 3rd box in quick select section for Individual ages and 5 year age bands section, thereby selecting only ages
  • Select Years: Future years on from Historic data (2021 upwards to 2027, in this case )
  • Select gender: Total, Males and Females
  • Format selection: Microsoft Excel (.xlsx)
  • Layout: projected year
  • Other options: One table per worksheet checked

Wait, then download data

Due to the nature of the web-application there is no static link to the current file

Historical Data structure

The downloaded file has many tabs

The required table is called “Population estimates for UK, by sex and single year of age, mid-1971 to mid-2020” and is currently Table 3 (also tab “Table 3”)

There are 3 tables, arranged vertically in this order: All Persons, Male then Female. All 3 tables have column per year, starting with the most recent, and one row per age, starting with 0 years, ages 90+ are aggregated into one row.

Projected Data Structure

The downloaded file will have 3 tabs, each tab has one table.

The tabs are named appropriately: Total, Male and Female

All 3 tables have one column per year, starting with the oldest, and one row per age, starting with 0 up to the maximum age, without any aggregation for 90+