
C# Week #1 and #2 Independent Project

Primary LanguageC#

Word Counter

Date: 02/15/2019


Name: Mark Strickland

Email: markstrickland562@hotmail.com


This program gathers a word and a sentence from a user and counts how many times the full word appears in the sentence. Only full words count, not when the word appears as part of another word.


Behavior Input Example Output Example Explanation
An instance of a Word object can be created "test" The type of the Word instance is correct Simple verification that the Word constructor works
The value of the word can be obtained successfully "test" The instance of Word has the value of "test" Simple verification of the Word Getter method
An instance of a Word can be updated "newtest" The updated instance of a Word is "newtest" Simple verification of the Word Setter method
An entered word must have a value Blank, ie, "" "No word was entered" Verification that a word was entered
Only one word can be entered "two words" "More than one word was entered" Verification that there are no spaces in the entered string
An entered word will consist of English alphabetic characters only "a" "Your word is a valid word." The letter "a" can be a word and it also exists often in English sentences
The word will not contain any non-English alphabetic characters "1 word" "Your word is invalid." The number "1" is often substituted for "l" or "i"
An instance of a Sentence object can be created "I am a student" The type of sentence instance is correct Simple verification that the Sentence constructor works
The value of the sentence can be obtained successfully "I am a student" The instance of Sentence has the value of "I am a student" Simple verification of the Sentence Getter method
An instance of a Sentence can be updated "I am a good student" The updated instance of a Sentence is "I am a good student" Simple verification of the Sentence Setter method
An entered sentence must have a value Blank, ie, "" "No sentence was entered" Verification that a sentence was entered
An entered sentence will consist of English alphabetic characters only "I am a student" "Your sentence is a valid sentence." N/A
The sentence will not contain any non-English alphabetic characters "I @m a stud3nt" "Your sentence is invalid." N/A
A count will be taken of the number of times that the word exists in the sentence. A correct count will only include instance of the standalone word. word="a" sentence="I am a student" 1 The word "a" exists once in "I am a student"
An incorrect count will exclude existences of the word as part of another word word="a" sentence="I am a student" 2 If the count is 2, the existence of "a" in another word has been counted in error
The user can enter any number of words and sentences and each set will be displayed with their counts word1="test1", sentence1="A sentence for test1", word2="test2", sentence2="A sentence for test2" "test1", "A sentence for test1", 1, "test2", "A sentence for test2", 1 The user always see the results of their game play


Download and install the following required software packages"

  1. .NET Core 1.1.4 SDK
  2. .NET Core Runtime 1.1.2
  3. Mono

Clone this repository as follows: $ git clone https://github.com/MarkStrickland562/WordCounter.Solution

To edit the project, open the project in your preferred text editor.

Change into the work directory: $ cd WordCounter.Solution

To run the program, navigate to the production directory and build and run the application:

$ cd WordCounter
$ dotnet build
$ dotnet run

Then navigate to the site in a browser with "http://localhost:5000".

To run the tests for this project, change back into the solution directory, WordCounter.Solution, then use these commands:

$ cd WordCounter.Tests
$ dotnet test

Technologies Used

  • .NET Core 1.1.4 SDK
  • _.NET Core Runtime 1.1.2
  • Mono
  • C#
  • MSTest
  • ATOM
  • Git


Copyright (c) 2019 Mark Strickland