
A banning system

Primary LanguagePHP


BanHammer is package for Laravel 5.


Add the following line to the require block of your composer.json file:

"require": {
	"kikfinder/banhammer": "dev-master"

For now its also required to add this repository to the repositories block of your composer.json file:

"repositories": [
  		"type": "vcs",
  		"url": "https://github.com/EvanDarwin/BanHammer"

You'll then need to run composer install or composer update to download it and have the autoloader updated.

Once BanHammer is installed, you need to register the service provider. Open up config/app.php and add the following:

"providers" => [
	// Existing Laravel entries

You can register the BanHammer facade in the aliases key of your config/app.php like so:

"aliases" => [
	// Existing Laravel aliases
    'Hammer' => 'KikFinder\BanHammer\Facades\BanHammer',

We also have to rigister the route middleware, open up app/Http/Kernel.php and add the following to the routeMiddleware array.

'hammer' => 'KikFinder\BanHammer\HTTP\BanHammerMiddleware',


To get started, you'll need to publish all vendor assets:

$ php artisan vendor:publish

This package will publish a config file hammer.php and a migration file 2015_02_22_170803_BanHammer_Create_Tables.php. Execute the following commando to run the migration.

$ php artisan migrate


endpoint - The application endpoint for BanHammer to connect to in order to download ban listings. The default value for this is https://bh-api.kikfinder.com

secret - The shared secret used to authenticate with BanHammer, you must retrieve this from the server owner.


Route Middleware

Add the following to you app/Http/routes.php file in order to register your route. You should use the middleware as defined in app/Http/Kernel.phpand provide the field name for the username as argumenthammer`. This argument is optional and in case you leave it out, BanHammer will only check on the user's IP-address.

Route::post('shoutouts', [
  'as'          => 'shoutouts.create', 
  'uses'        => 'ShoutoutController@createShoutout', 
  'middleware'  => 'hammer', 
  'hammer'      => 'username'

When the visitor is banned by his username or IP-address the middleware will throw the exception \KikFinder\BanHammer\BannedUserException.

You should handle this exception in app/Exceptions/Handler.php, for example;

public function render($request, Exception $e)
	if ($e instanceof \KikFinder\BanHammer\BannedUserException)
		die('You are a bad spammer!');

	return parent::render($request, $e);

The following methods are provided to ban a certain username or IP-address. These methods will return an instace of KikFinder\BanHammer\Ban.

use KikFinder\BanHammer\Facades\BanHammer;

BanHammer::ban('', 'bad-username');
use KikFinder\BanHammer\Facades\BanHammer;

use KikFinder\BanHammer\Facades\BanHammer;


Its also possible to check if an certain username or IP-address is banned. The following method wil return a boolean value.

use KikFinder\BanHammer\Facades\BanHammer;

use KikFinder\BanHammer\Facades\BanHammer;

BanHammer::isBanned('', 'bad-username');

Artisan Commands

Sync Command

Open up app/Console/Kernel.php and the SyncCommand reference to the $commands array:

"$commands" => [
	// Existing Artisan commands
    'Hammer' => 'KikFinder\BanHammer\Console\Commands\SyncCommand',

Now you are able to run an Artisan command to start the syncing process.

$ php artisan hammer:sync
Ban Command

Open up app/Console/Kernel.php and the BanCommand reference to the $commands array:

"$commands" => [
	// Existing Artisan commands
    'Hammer' => 'KikFinder\BanHammer\Console\Commands\BanCommand',

This will provide a new Arisan command for banning users based on their IP-address or username. Both options for specifying an ip-address or username can be used multiple times.

$ php artisan hammer:ban --ip=
$ php artisan hammer:ban --ip= --ip=
$ php artisan hammer:ban --username=baduser1
$ php artisan hammer:ban --username=baduser1 --username=baduser2