
Elasticsearch extension for Mangoo I/O

Primary LanguageJavaApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

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Elasticsearch extension for Mangoo I/O

This is an easly plugable extension for the mangoo I/O framework to work with Elasticsearch.


  1. Add the mangooio-elasticsearch-extension dependency to your pom.xml:

    com.markvink mangooio-elasticsearch-extension x.x.x
  2. Configure the Elasticsearch client inapplication.yaml

2.1) Node client

        name: elasticsearch
        home: /path/to/elasticsearch/home/dir
            type: memory|simplefs|niofs|mmapfs|default
        enabled: true|false

2.1) Transport client

        name: elasticsearch
        port: 9300
            sniff: true|false
            ignore_cluster_name: true|false
            ping_timeout: 5s
            nodes_sampler_interval: 5s
  1. Inject the Elasticsearch client where needed

    @Inject Elasticsearch elasticsearch;

Basic usage

  1. Adding and removing nodes on the transport client

    elasticsearch.addNode(InetAddress address, int port); elasticsearch.removeNode(InetAddress address, int port);

  2. Wrapper methods

    elasticsearch.getClient(); elasticsearch.createIndex(String indexName); elasticsearch.indexDocument(String indexName, Document document); elasticsearch.getDocument(String indexName, String documentType, String documentId); elasticsearch.deleteDocument(String indexName, String documentType, String documentId);

Indexing documents

  1. Indexing fields using jackson annotations

    import com.fasterxml.jackson.annotation.JsonProperty; import com.markvink.mangooio.elasticsearch.document.Document;

    public class User implements Document { @JsonProperty("username") private String username;

     public User(String username) {
         this.username = username;


    User user = new User("my-username"); elasticsearch.indexDocument("my-index", user); // Indexed username=my-username with generated ID

  2. Specifing ID of the document

    import com.fasterxml.jackson.annotation.JsonProperty; import com.markvink.mangooio.elasticsearch.document.DocumentWithId;

    public class User implements DocumentWithId { @JsonProperty("username") private String username;

     public User(String username) {
         this.username = username;
     public String getDocumentId() {
         return username;


    User user = new User("my-username"); elasticsearch.indexDocument("my-index", user); // indexed using ID=my-username

  3. Specifing source of the document

    import com.markvink.mangooio.elasticsearch.document.DocumentWithSource;

    public class User implements DocumentWithSource { private String username;

     public User(String username) {
         this.username = username;
     public Map<String, Object> getDocumentSource() {
         Map<String, Object> map = new HashMap<String, Object>();
         map.put("username", username);
         map.put("key1", "value1");
         map.put("key2", "value2");
         return map;


    User user = new User("my-username"); elasticsearch.indexDocument("my-index", user); // indexed using provided source

Using client

  1. Use the normal Java client for searching for example

    SearchResponse response = elasticsearch.getClient().prepareSearch("my-index") .setTypes("User") .setSearchType(SearchType.DFS_QUERY_THEN_FETCH) .setQuery(QueryBuilders.termQuery("username", "my-username")) .setFrom(0).setSize(60).setExplain(true) .execute() .actionGet();

    long hits = response.getHits().getTotalHits(); SearchHit[] results = response.getHits().getHits();