A simple C# Console Project that parses the preference.xml file to give you the local keys in a tidy format.
- 8xiomRhine-Main metropolitan area, Germany
- AhrimanPontevedra, Spain
- astrojarredMax Planck Institute for Physics
- crisjffSCSR Investimentos Lda.
- dixoos
- e3ndrCasterlabs
- EinTim23@Redmi-MT6768
- eugrus
- formula349Texas Liberty Technologies
- funtomaas
- gabrymedItaly
- gautamkrishnarRed Hat
- gits68ACME
- ha12bib
- HoracioCMJ
- ionultdIonU
- joelinux60Germany
- Johnito
- karickkl
- karlos-oliveiraColiveira Tech
- KuraiAndras@DiligentCorp
- kyunimoni
- LazyTargetConsid AB
- lggrizendi
- majkers
- marcushoffmann75
- mfgrciaLisboa
- Naevus42
- otoolepwIreland
- permpong13
- probablyoffline
- rafaelrabacoSão Paulo, SP
- rantanlan
- stevendubois-archbtw@groupeshift
- TheRealSimon42
- xtremecarnage