Hacking STEM - Project Code Repositories

Source code repositories for all of the microcontroller based projects at https://aka.ms.hackingstem.

Hacking STEM Projects

Analyzing Windspeed With Anemometers

Increasing Power by Design - Windmill and Wind Turbine

EC Meter - Electrical Conductivity Sensor

Building Machines That Emulate Humans - Sensorized Glove and Robotic Hand

Using Computational Thinking to Understand Earthquakes - Seismograph and Tuned Mass Damper

Building models to understand and mitigate brain injury - Brain Impact Simulator

Making Party Lights to Understand Electrical Circuits and Switches - Party Lights

Harnessing Electricity to Communicate - Telegraph (Morse Code)

Hacking STEM Partnerships

Hotwheels - Measuring Speed to Understand Forces & Motion - Sensorized Track

LEGO - Using Pythagorean theorem to Measure Topography - Distance Wheel and Angle Finder

BBC Oceans - Exploring Shark Movement - Joystick

BBC Oceans - Exploring Ocean Currents - Electrical Conductivity Sensor

BBC Oceans - Exploring Ocean Depths - Ultrasonic Sensor

NASA - Designing Astro Socks to protect astronauts’ feet in microgravity - Astro Socks

NASA - What is the Electromagnetic Spectrum? - Spectrometer

NASA -Using materials science engineering to determine heat resistance - Heatshield Simulation

Hacking STEM Project Templates