ECommerce API


Process Flow

Design flow

Security Measures

External Protection (Cloudflare): As shown in the diagram above, there are three main protections that Cloudflare offers:

  1. SSL Certification: this ensures a secure HTTPS connection which aims to prevent attackers from intercepting packets that contains access tokens or the content of the API calls.
  2. DDOS Protection: Thank to Cloudflare's DDOS mitigation service, this API service will be prone to these types of attacks that overloads the server with requests.
  3. Origin IP Hiding: The origin server's public IP will be hidden behind Cloudflare's firewall that acts as a "middle man" which takes requests from user and pass them onto the origin server. The benefit of this is that it does not expose origin server's IP which prevents many sorts of attacks.

Internal Protection (Origin Server):

  1. Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS) headers that specifically allows only GET and POST requests to filter out invalid requests.
  2. Rate Limiter: rate limiting interval is based on each requests (for more detail check the endpoints section).
  3. API Token authentication: If this API were to be integrated to a complete online eCommerce, unique temporary tokens will be issued to user browser upon login. (Tokens will expire after every session)

Unit Testing


Access Token

  • This is feature is only for demonstration of security capabilities of the API, in actual production environment, access token should be returned as response from the server to the client upon user's login request.
  • Token have a max life span of 3 hours (if not already invalidated through logging out)

Access Endpoint: GET /getAccessToken

Sample Request: Simply visit /getAccessToken endpoint

Corresponding Sample Response:

  "response": "4b802b8328f462042463d0b4f46052c9421d712b059256cd"

Invalidate Access Token

  • This is feature is only for demonstration of security capabilities of the API, in actual production environment, token will be automatically invalidated upon logout request

Access Endpoint: GET /invalidateAccessToken

Sample Request: Simply visit /invalidateAccessToken endpoint

Corresponding Sample Response:


Retrieve Products

Access Endpoint: POST /retrieveProducts

Argument Type Example Explanation
availableInventoryOnly boolean "availableInventoryOnly": "true" Only return products that have inventory count > 0
all boolean "all": "true" This will return all products
products array "products":["blue_shirt", "red_shirt"] Returns a list of product information based on the input (which is a list of product ids)

Sample Request:

  "availableInventoryOnly": "false",

Corresponding Sample Response:

    "title": "Blue Shirt",
    "price": "1000.00",
    "inventory_count": 10,
    "product_id": "blue_shirt"
    "title": "Red Shirt",
    "price": "100.00",
    "inventory_count": 35,
    "product_id": "red_shirt"

Create Cart

Access Endpoint: GET /createCart

Sample Request: Simply visit /createCart endpoint

Corresponding Sample Response:

  "response": "7cc41f04-df61-4a85-8e0d-4decdd2c1a2e"

Modify Cart

Access Endpoint: POST /modifyCart

Argument Type Example Explanation
cart_id string "cart_id": "7cc41f04-df61-4a85-8e0d-4decdd2c1a2e" This is a mandatory field that identifies which cart is being modified
items array "items":[{"action": "add", "product_id": "red_shirt", "quantity": 10}] This array contains a list of actions for each specified items

Table for item action

Argument Type Example Explanation
action string "action": "add" or "action": "remove" This mandatory field specify the action to be performed
product_id string "product_id": "red_shirt" Specifies the product id of the target product

Sample Request:

  "cart_id": "7cc41f04-df61-4a85-8e0d-4decdd2c1a2e",
  "items": [
      "action": "add",
      "product_id": "red_shirt",
      "quantity": 10
      "action": "remove",
      "product_id": "blue_shirt",
      "quantity": 1

Corresponding Sample Response:

    "items": [
    "item_quantities": [
    "cost": "2300.00",
    "cart_id": "7cc41f04-df61-4a85-8e0d-4decdd2c1a2e"

Checkout Cart

Access Endpoint: POST /checkoutCart

Sample Request:

  "cart_id": "7cc41f04-df61-4a85-8e0d-4decdd2c1a2e"

Corresponding Sample Response:

    "items": [
    "item_quantities": [
    "cost": "2300.00",
    "cart_id": "7cc41f04-df61-4a85-8e0d-4decdd2c1a2e"

Discard Cart

Access Endpoint: POST /discardCart

Sample Request:

  "cart_id": "7cc41f04-df61-4a85-8e0d-4decdd2c1a2e"

Corresponding Sample Response:

  "response":  "REMOVED"