Transform your postman collection to HTML/Markdown documentation
curl -o && sudo chmod +x && sudo ./
For windows download the binary and set environment variable so that you can access the binary from terminal
- Live postman collection to documentation
- Build postman collection to html/markdown documentation
- Supports multi-level collection build
- To view live HTML documentation from postman collection use
docgen server -f input-postman-collection.json -p 8000
This will open the html version of postman collection to the defined port - To view live Markown documentation from postman collection use
docgen server -f input-postman-collection.json -p 8000 -m
This will open the markdown version of postman collection to the defined port - To make HTML documentation use
docgen build -i input-postman-collection.json -o ~/Downloads/index.html
- To make Markdown documentation use
docgen build -i input-postman-collection.json -o ~/Downloads/ -m
Demo markdown API documentation
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The docgen is an open-source software licensed under the MIT License.
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