Users will be able to register and login to their accounts. They will also be able to recover forgotten passwords.
Teachers can view their classes, edit their class information, create a new class for students to join, as well as deleting classes once they no longer need them.
Within each class, teachers can view every assignment that has been created. Teachers can also go into each individual assignment and change the description of the assginment, as well as add/remove/edit questions within each assignment.
Teachers can view each individual assignment within a class and look at the entire class's progress on that assignment.
Teachers can go into a class they have created and view the roster. In this view, teachers can see which students are currently enrolled in the class as well as accept student requests to join the class.
Student users are able to do the homework by electronically handwrite the answers in the app. The app will let users know whether the answers are correct or not. If the answer is not correct, the user will be able to answer the same question again. While if the answer is correct, the user will be able to go to the next question.
Students are able to join a class by inputting a specific code that the teacher gave it to them after the teacher create the class. After that, the students will not be able to join the class until the teacher accept the request.
All users will also be able to change their account using the drawer icon at the corner of the screen. Here they will be given a screen to fill out new information to use.