
Javascript library for DHIS 2 app development

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Build Status Test Coverage Code Climate npm version


The full api documentation is available at full api documentation

Quickstart guide


Start with adding d2 to your project.

yarn add d2 or npm install d2

After installing you will be able to import the library into your project by using the files in the lib folder.

// Using ES2015 imports
import d2 from 'd2/lib/d2';

// Using CommonJS imports
var d2 = require('d2/lib/d2');

If you want to use d2 as just a global variable on the window object you can include one of the following scripts in your page d2/lib/d2-browser.js or d2/lib/d2-browser.min.js

Initialise the library

To be able to use d2 you will first need to initialise the library. This is required to let the library know where it should load data from (e.g. the schemas, currentUser, authorities). The schemas are the definitions of the data model as it is used in DHIS2.

To do this you have can provide d2 with a baseUrl. (If you don't provide any the default of ../api will be used)

import { init } from 'd2/lib/d2';

init({ baseUrl: 'http://apps.dhis2.org/dev/api' })
  .then(d2 => {
    //Your d2 is initialised and ready to use.

Get first page of users and print their name

  .then(userCollection => {
    userCollection.forEach(user => console.log(user.name)));

Getting started

To get started we suggest you read the Overview

If you are already fairly familiar what you are probably looking for would be the reference material on what is available on the instance of d2.

For more information on how the Models work the model module documentation and the classes in the module are the current go to reference material.

For other questions see the FAQ or the full api documentation.