
Instructions to compile adcirpolate on Lonestar5 and Stampede2:

  1. First you will need to install the esmf library. The correct version can be found as a zip file on github at along with a zip file of the adcirpolate code if you have not yet obtained it
  2. Copy the appropriate esmf zip file onto lonestar5 ( or stampede2(
  3. Unzip the zip file “unzip" for lonestar5 or "unzip" for stampede2
  4. Go into the esmf directory and copy/paste all the lines in the envs.txt or env_vars onto the command line in order to set all necessary environmental variables
  5. Type make, this should successfully install esmf Note: You can create a debugging version of esmf by changing the ESMF_BOPT from “O” to “g” in th envs.txt file
  6. Now that esmf is installed we can now build adcirpolate, first unzip the
  7. Before compiling, 2 environmental variables must be set: export ESMF_CONFIG_FILE=path to The path to the file should be located inside the lib folder of esmf, something like the following: /scratch/04637/mdl2665/esmf/lib/libO/ export FC=mpif90 this is your fortran compiler
  8. Then enter into the adcirpolate folder and type:
cmake .

and the adcirpolate executable should be generated