
A light-weight tool library for easily adding customized markers on Google map. Simple APIs and no server side dependency

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


GMSandbox is a light-weight library for easily adding customized markers on Google map, it has no dependency and very simple APIs.


###Setup in 30sec

Download code from this repository or bower install gm-sandbox, then include it on your web page:

<script type='text/javascript' src='GMSandbox.js'></script>

That's it! You don't worry about Google Map API, GMSandbox would lazy load Google Map API and initilize Google map after you instantiated GMSandbox.

###Get Started

The library would expose a GMSandbox class to your global environment, in order to use GMSandbox, you should do two things:

1 Create GMSandbox instance

var gmSandbox = new GMSandbox();

2 Call init method

gmSandbox.init(mapOptions, function(map){

  // callback logic ...


init method would lazy load Google Map API to your page, and create a Google map based on mapOptions


#####Constructor GMSandbox([map]) arguments:

  • map { google.maps.Map } Optional.
    A Google map object would be used by GMSandbox. If it is undefined, GMSandbox would create a map object in init method

#####GMSandbox.prototype.init(options, callback)

  • options { String | Object }
    DOM element selector string or options object which contains following properties:

    element { String }: DOM element selector string
    apiKey { String }: Google Map API Key you obtained, if it is undefined, GMSandbox would try to use signed-in map
    mapType { String }: the type of initialzed Google map, include ROADMAP, SATELLITE, TERRAIN, HYBRID

    you can also add any other properties support by google.maps.MapOptions, note that, some of those properties may not works until you initilized Google map API on your page.

  • callback { Function }: callback function would be invoked when the map initializing finished, the new map would be passed into this function

Add a customized marker on map

  • options { Object } defined marker properties:

template { String }: HTML string would be displayed in marker content location { String }: Address string or LatLng object(ex: { lat: 43.1234, lng: 11.3322}) to determine marker geo location
anchor { String }: Set anchor position of this marker, include topCenter, center, bottomCenter, leftCenter, rightCenter, topLeft, topRight, bottomLeft, bottomRight
draggable { Boolean }: Set if marker draggable on map
name { String }: Set the marker's name, you can use name to focus or retrieve related marker on map

#####GMSandbox.prototype.removeMarker(marker) remove a specific marker on map

  • marker { String | Marker }: A marker name or a marker object return by findMarker

#####GMSandbox.prototype.focusMarker(marker) set the center of map to a specific marker


  • marker { String | Marker }: A marker name or a marker object return by findMarker

#####GMSandbox.prototype.findMarker(markerName) find a specific marker on map

  • markerName { String }: marker name defined when marker created


  • marker { Object }: marker object which contains:
    name { String }: the name of this marker
    position { Object }: the LatLng position of this marker
    marker { Object }: customized marker object

#####GMSandbox.prototype.getMap() get the map object which GMSandbox relied on


  • map { google.maps.Map }

#####GMSandbox.prototype.setMapType(typeName) set the Google map type


  • typeName { String }: the type of Google map, include ROADMAP, SATELLITE, TERRAIN, HYBRID

#####GMSandbox.prototype.on(eventName, eventHandler) bind event handler on a map event


  • eventName { String }: valid event name defined by google.maps.Map event
  • eventHandler { Function }: event handling function
