A collection of bibfiles related to computer vision for efficiency
- Bibfiles are organized by category
- Short name of the method is used as the index of reference item such as
rather thangirshick14CVPR
for efficient retrieval
Please feel free to send pull requests. You can follow the templates of the reference item for more efficient cooperations.
- Image Classification
- 2D General Object Detection
- Human Detection
- 2D Semantic Segmentation
- Image Level Weakly Supervised Segmentation
- Recommended indentation: 4 spaces
- Drop one line between reference items
author = {A and B and C},
title = {title},
booktitle = {abbreviation form of the conference, such as CVPR and ICCV},
year = {xxxx}
Specially, for the Arxiv version:
author = {A and B and C},
title = {title},
journal = {arXiv:xxxx.xxxxx},
year = {xxxx}
author = {A and B and C},
title = {title},
volume = {volume},
number = {number},
pages = {start-end},
journal = {Abbreviation form of the journal, such as IJCV and T-PAMI},
year = {xxxx}