Phase 3 Mock Code Challenge: Theater Work

Learning Goals

  • Write SQLAlchemy migrations.
  • Connect between tables using SQLAlchemy relationships.
  • Use SQLAlchemy to run CRUD statements in the database.

Key Vocab

  • Schema: the blueprint of a database. Describes how data relates to other data in tables, columns, and relationships between them.
  • Persist: save a schema in a database.
  • Engine: a Python object that translates SQL to Python and vice-versa.
  • Session: a Python object that uses an engine to allow us to programmatically interact with a database.
  • Transaction: a strategy for executing database statements such that the group succeeds or fails as a unit.
  • Migration: the process of moving data from one or more databases to one or more target databases.


The Flatiron Theater Company is holding auditions!

An actor may only Audition for one Role, while a Role may have many Auditions for it!

one to many

Getting started

Run pipenv install; pipenv shell


Create your migrations.

  • Auditions should have an actor (string), location (string) and belong_to a role (integer).
  • Roles should only have a character_name.

auditions Table

Column Type
actor string
location string
phone integer
hired boolean
role_id integer

roles Table

Column Type
character_name string


  • What relationships will this need (i.e. one-to-one, one-to-many, and many-to-many)?


  • Audition.role returns an instance of role associated with this audition.
  • Audition.call_back() will change the the hired attribute to True.


  • Role.auditions returns all of the auditions associated with this role.
  • Role.actors returns a list of names from the actors associated with this role.
  • Role.locations returns a list of locations from the auditions associated with this role.
  • Role.lead() returns the first instance of the audition that was hired for this role or returns a string 'no actor has been hired for this role'.
  • Role.understudy() returns the second instance of the audition that was hired for this role or returns a string 'no actor has been hired for understudy for this role'.