
PowerDNS Recursor Ansible role

Primary LanguageRubyMIT LicenseMIT

PowerDNS Recursor Role

An Ansible role created by the folks behind PowerDNS to install and configure the PowerDNS Recursor.


An Ansible 2.0 or higher installation.


This role depends on atosatto.packages-extras. See the requirements.yml file for further details.

Role Variables

Available variables are listed below, along with default values (see defaults/main.yml):

pdns_rec_install_repo: "" 

By default the PowerDNS Recursor is installed from the os default repositories. You can install the PowerDNS Recursor package from official PowerDNS repository overriding the pdns_rec_install_repo variable value as follows:

# Install the PowerDNS Recursor from the 'master' branch
- hosts: pdns-recursors
  - { role: PowerDNS.pdns_recursor,
      pdns_rec_install_repo: "{{ pdns_rec_powerdns_repo_master }}"

# Install the PowerDNS Recursor from the '40' branch
- hosts: pdns-recursors
  - { role: PowerDNS.pdns_recursor,
      pdns_rec_install_repo: "{{ pdns_rec_powerdns_repo_40 }}"

The roles also supports custom repositories

- hosts: all
      apt_repo_origin: "my.repo.com"  # used to pin the pdns-recursor to the provided PowerDNS repository
      apt_repo: "deb http://my.repo.com/{{ ansible_distribution | lower }} {{ ansible_distribution_release | lower }}/pdns-recursor main"
      gpg_key: "http://my.repo.com/MYREPOGPGPUBKEY.asc" # repository public GPG key
      gpg_key_id: "MYREPOGPGPUBKEYID" # to avoid to reimport the key each time the role is executed
      yum_repo_baseurl: "http://my.repo.com/centos/$basearch/$releasever/pdns-recursor"
      yum_repo_name: "powerdns-rec"   # used to select only the pdns-recursor packages coming from this repo
  - { role: PowerDNS.pdns_recursor }

If targeting only a specific platform (e.g. Debian) it's not needed to provide other platform (e.g. yum) repositories informations.

pdns_rec_install_epel: True

By default the role installs also the EPEL repository. EPEL is needed to satisfy some PowerDNS Recursor dependencies like protobuf. If these dependencies are included into other repositories already configured in the host or in the custom pdns_rec_install_epel, override this variable to False to skip EPEL installation.

pdns_rec_user: pdns   # pdns-recursor on CentOS/RHEL
pdns_rec_group: pdns  # pdns-recursor on CentOS/RHEL

The user and group the PowerDNS Recursor will run as. NOTE: This role does not create any user or group as we assume that they're created by the package or other roles.

pdns_rec_service_name: "pdns-recursor"

The name of the PowerDNS Recursor service.

pdns_rec_flush_handlers: False

Force the execution of the flushing of the handlers at the end of the role. NOTE: This is required if using this role to configure multiple recursor instances in a single play to make sure that on configuration changes the correct pnds_recursor instance is restarted.

pdns_rec_config_dir: "/etc/powerdns"
pdns_rec_config_file: "recursor.conf"
pdns_rec_config_lua: "{{ pdns_rec_config_dir }}/config.lua"
pdns_rec_config_dns_script: "{{ pdns_rec_config_dir }}/dns-script.lua"

The PowerDNS Recursor configuration files and directories.

pdns_rec_config: { }

A dict containing in YAML format the custom configuration of PowerDNS Recursor. NOTE: You should not set the config-dir, set-uid and set-gid because are set by other role variables (respectively pdns_rec_config_dir, pdns_rec_user, pdns_rec_group).

# pdns_rec_lua_config_file_content: ""

String containing the content of the lua-config-file file. This will create a file called config.lua into the pdns_rec_config_dir and add the configuration to the recursor.conf configuration file.

# pdns_rec_lua_dns_script_content: ""

String containing the content of the lua-dns-script file. This will create a file called dns-script.lua into the pdns_rec_config_dir and add the configuration to load this script to the recursor.conf configuration file.

Example Playbook

Here we show some examples of usage of the PowerDNS.pdns_recursor role.

Bind to on port 5300 and allow only traffic from the subnet:

- hosts: pdns-recursors
      'allow-from': ''
      'local-address': ''
    - { role: PowerDNS.pdns_recursor }

Allow from multiple networks:

- hosts: pdns-recursors
        - ''
        - ''
      'local-address': ''
    - { role: PowerDNS.pdns_recursor }
