
AutoRepair keeps your vehicle healty.

+ Repairs your vehicle automaticly when it has damage.
+ Repaint your vehicle automaticly when it has worn out.
+ Clean your vehicle automaticly when it got dirty.

How to use:

  • When you place this mod in your fs22 mods folder, only auto repair is on by default.
  • Press Left Alt + r key to acces the menu.
    • Change the time interval when vehicles/tools needs to be checked.
    • Activate/deactivate auto repair.
    • Change at what damage percent a vehicle/tool get repaired.
    • Activate/deactivate auto repaint.
    • Change at what wear percent a vehicle/tool get repainted.
    • Activate/deactivate auto clean.
    • Change at what dirt percent a vehicle get cleaned.

This mod is made by me from scratch.

If you have any issues with the mod or anything related, please contact me on: https://github.com/Bobster82/FS22_AutoRepair

Copyright (C) Bobster82
If you like my work and would like to support me:

Buy Me A Coffee


Add multiple language support.
When not admin, remove help text to open the menu.
Activate, deactivate repair/repaint/clean for every farm separately.


Fixed multiplayer menu not working.
Fixed multiplayer sync.
Added option to only repair/repaint/clean.
Added option to change the time to update.
Added option to change the damage threshold.
Added option to change the wear threshold.
Added option to change the dirt threshold.