
Primary LanguageJavaScript

Assignment 1 - API testing and Source Control.

Name: Kral Markus


This webapp is a digital cookbook. Users can create their own receipes and view the receipes of others.

API endpoints.

without login someone can:

  • list all receipes (GET /receipe)
  • list specific receipe (GET /receipe/)
  • login (POST /login)

after login someone can:

  • create a new receipe (POST /receipe)
  • update a existing receipe (PATCH /receipe/)
  • delete a receipe (DELTE /receipe/)
  • show his user-info (GET /profile)

Data storage.

mongourl = 'mongodb://cookbook:12345678@localhost:27017/cookbook-test'

receipe-documents: { "_id" : ObjectId, "name" : String, "ingredients" : Dict, "Created_date" : ISODate, "__v" : Int32 }

user-documents: { "_id" : ObjectId, "password" : String, "email" : String, "__v" : Int32 }

Sample Test execution.

Testing receipes. Get Reciepes -- no authentication needed ✓ return all the recipes ✓ should return only one receipe ✓ search for a receipe that is not present ✓ search with invalid id Functions that need authentication. Testing update-functionality. ✓ Update testreceipe ✓ Update a wrong id ✓ Update a invalid id Testing delete-functionality. ✓ Delete testreceipe ✓ Delete a wrong id ✓ Delete an invalid id Testing create-functionality. ✓ Create a receipe ✓ Create without a name ✓ Create without ingredients

Testing user and authentication. Test with preset user. ✓ Login (44ms) Test with new user. ✓ signup ✓ Login (52ms)

16 passing (546ms)

Extra features.

As the webapp itself and the tests are seperate modules, I use seperate git-repos for each one of them. Therefore "npm install" has to be called once in the root-folder for the tests and once inside the webapp-folder.