
Telegram bot for Evernote

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

Telegram bot for Evernote

Build status Coverage Status Maintainability

This bot can save everything that you send to your Evernote account.

You can use this bot in Telegram: https://t.me/evernoterobot
Or you can use your own telegram bot and your own server, then see Installation


If you have some reasons do not use my bot deployed on my server, you can use your own installation.

  • Create your own bot with the BotFather (see https://core.telegram.org/bots#3-how-do-i-create-a-bot)
  • Create your own Evernote application and obtain a pair of keys (access key and access secret)
  • Install a Docker to your server (see https://docs.docker.com/install/)
  • Get and set up SSL certificate (see https://letsencrypt.org)
  • Set up nginx/caddy/another proxy server to work with your SSL certificate.
  • Check you have curl on your server (usually it's installed by default)
  • Execute this command: sudo curl https://raw.githubusercontent.com/djudman/evernote-telegram-bot/master/evernotebot-install.sh --output evernotebot-install.sh && sh evernotebot-install.sh
    • sudo is needed because there is copying a file to /etc/init.d directory
    • you will need to enter some data as:
  • Execute /etc/init.d/evernotebot start to start bot

How to build docker image manually

  • Clone source code to your server
    git clone https://github.com/djudman/evernote-telegram-bot.git
  • Build image
    docker build -t evernote-telegram-bot .
  • Define environment variables (for example, in .bashrc)
  • Create a docker volume to store data docker volume create evernotebot-data
  • Run a container
    docker run \
        -e MONGO_HOST="$MONGO_HOST" \
        -d \
        -p \
        --restart=always \
        --name=evernotebot \
        -it \
        -v ./logs:/app/logs:rw \
        --mount source="evernotebot-data",target="/evernotebot-data" \

Environment variables

Variable name Default value Description
EVERNOTEBOT_DEBUG 0 Enable debug mode (additional logging enabled)
EVERNOTEBOT_HOSTNAME evernotebot.djud.me DNS name of your host
TELEGRAM_API_TOKEN - Access token for telegram API. You can obtain this by BotFather
TELEGRAM_BOT_NAME evernoterobot Name of telegram bot. You used this in BotFather
EVERNOTE_BASIC_ACCESS_KEY - appKey for your Evernote app (with readonly permissions)
EVERNOTE_BASIC_ACCESS_SECRET - secret for your Evernote app (with readonly permissions)
EVERNOTE_FULL_ACCESS_KEY - appKey for your Evernote app (with read/write permissions)
EVERNOTE_FULL_ACCESS_SECRET - secret for your Evernote app (with read/write permissions)
MONGO_HOST Hostname for mongodb host