
Project in Computational Science Uppsala University 2019

The project compares different methods and metrics for evaluating well-calibrated certainty estimates in deep learning classification tasks, by comparing models using fully bayesian or approximate bayesian models.

We found that the best calibration of uncertainty for deep CNNs were found when combining Label smooting and Temperature scaling. These two methods yielded better calibration than both Monte Carlo Dropout and Variational Inference based methods.

The Code is forked from the working directory: Noodles-321/Certainty by Jahaou Lu.

The code can be run by executing the following commands:

For running on GPU

conda create --name tftorch --file requirements.txt


conda install --yes --file requirements.txt

or (for local win-64)

conda env create -f tftorch.yml

For running on CPU

conda create --name certainty_venv python=3.6 --file requirements_CPU.txt -y && conda activate certainty_venv


To then run the code:



Code Repo
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Markus Sagen


Jianbo Li - Github, Mail
Jiahao Lu - Github, Mail
Markus Sagen - Github, Mail