Energy Backend

  • This project is designed to manage D0010 files that have meter reading data.The project contains a model that has meters and readings.It also includes a management command and an admin interface for managing data

Built with:

Python version 3

Setting up the project

  • Clone the project using git clone from Github:
  • Enter the project directory i.e cd app
  • create virtual environment
virtualenv env -p python3.11 - use your local python

*Activate the virtual env with the below command

source env/bin/activate
Install deps:
pip install -r requirements.txt
To check django admin you need to create a user using the below command
  • python createsuperuser
- username: octopusenergy
- password: 12345
Ensure Database is on the same level
python makemigrations
python migrate
Run the project Locally with the below command
python runserver
Running Tests Locally
python test

some environment variables you will use inside your .envfile just copy this.

what to improve on this project
  • REST API: Implement a RESTful API to allow users to upload D0010 files via the web interface.

  • Data Validation: Add data validation checks to ensure that imported D0010 files meet the expected format and standards.

  • Error Handling: Implement error handling.

  • Testing: write tests for models.

  • System design: see how the app will grow to handle traffic.

  • Collaboration: include other engineers on how to improve the project.