
The Pizza API Service refrence implementatation of a Microservice in EKS using Terraform and Helmm that maintains Marline's Pizza shop and all data storage.

Primary LanguagePython

Pizza API Service

The Pizza API Service refrence implementatation of a Microservice in EKS using Terraform and Helmm that maintains Marline's Pizza shop and all data storage.

  • Customer
  • Orders
  • Products

The pizza API is a developed with FastAPI and served up usinguvicorn

The database used is postgres.

The API performs basic functionality that is CRUD(Creat, Read, Update, Delete) operation.

![Pizza Shop Design](Pizza shop.png)

Running the service locally

Before installation ensure you installed poetry and setup a virtual environment

   poetry config virtualenvs.in-project true

After cloning the project on your development environment you will run this will install all the project dependencies.

poetry install

some environment variables you will use inside your .envfile just copy this.


To spin up the service locally you can run make serve this will start the service locally and you should be able to see API documentaion on the swagger ui.Docker compose

service configuration has two DB services:

  • make start will start the docker database containers locally
  • pizza_api_app_db bound to port 5432 - a DB for local testing,
  • pizza_api_app_test_db bound to port 5433 - a DB for the project's tests (src/tests).

To create database Migration run when adding a new Model always use alembic upgrade head to ensure you didn't have incorrect migration or just checking if you are starting on a clean slate.

alembic revision --autogenerate -m <your migration message here/>


  1. Ensure development services have been started with make serve.
  2. Run pytest with poetry:
poetry run pytest

API Gateway integration

You can access your service via the API Gateway in two environments:

Environment URL
dev https://api.dev.cloud.sennder.com/pizza-api-app
prod https://api.cloud.sennder.com/pizza-api-app

Your service will be automatically secured via a lambda authorizer in the API Gateway. In order to access your services resources, add an 'Authorization: ' Header to your request containing a mothership token for either (staging) https://sennder-sennder.stg.sennder.com or (production) https://api.sennder.com/.

You can test your API Gateway integration as follows:

$ curl 'https://sennder-sennder.stg.sennder.com/auth/login/' \
  -H 'authority: sennder-sennder.stg.sennder.com' \
  -H 'accept: application/json, text/plain, */*' \
  -H 'content-type: application/json' \
  -H 'origin: https://app.orcas.stg.sennder.com' \
  -H 'referer: https://app.orcas.stg.sennder.com/' \
  --data-raw '{"email":"USERNAME","password":"PASSWORD"}'

  "key": "TOKEN"

$ curl -v -H "Authorization: Token TOKEN" https://api.dev.cloud.sennder.com/pizza-api-app/api/v1/health | jq

Database integration

In case you chose the database option, your database will be automatically created once you run your pipeline. The pipeline will pull the database secret from your CI/CD variables, please ensure that you set the TF_VAR_database_master_password for the environments dev and prod! You can find the endpoint of your database in the AWS console

Your database will be set up as follows:

Attribute Value
DB_HOST Check the AWS console
DB_PORT 5432
DB_USER Your provided app-name (without '-') + env (dev
DB_NAME Your provided app-name (without '-')
DB_PASSWORD According to your TF_VAR_database_master_password per environment

Those values will be automatically injected as environment variables into your ECS service.