
This is an MULTILINGUAL bot designed to provide emotional support and assistance to individuals struggling with mental health issues. It can help individuals access mental health resources, offer guidance and support. With the integration of Language translation, this chatbot will be very efficient as it will be able to break the language barriers

Primary LanguagePython


This is an AI-powered bot designed to provide emotional support and assistance to individuals struggling with mental health issues. It can help individuals access mental health resources, offer guidance and support. With the integration of Language translation, this chatbot will be very efficient as it will be able to break the language barriers.

The creation of a chatbot capable of language translation, holds transformative potential, acting as a catalyst in overcoming language barriers for effective communication and information exchange. Its impact spans diverse sectors, including: healthcare, commerce, and governance etc. offering a versatile solution to bridge linguistic gaps.


How to run it?

First step is to download the models from the link MODEL add the model in the root/model project directory.

The following instructions were tested on the Windows and Linux with Python 3.8.

  1. Clone this repository
git clone https://github.com/MarlonHenq/Mental-health-Chatbot
cd Mental-health-Chatbot/
  1. Create and activate virtual environment
python -m venv venv

on Linux system

source venv/bin/activate

on Windows system

  1. Install requirements
pip install  -r requirements.txt
  1. Install sentencepiece
pip install sentencepiece
  1. Install pytorch
pip3 install torch torchvision torchaudio --index-url https://download.pytorch.org/whl/cpu
  1. Install spacy
pip3 install spacy
  1. Install spacy language model
python -m spacy download en_core_web_sm // for english
python -m spacy download pt_core_news_sm // for portuguese
  1. Install flask
pip install flask
  1. Install tensorflow
pip install tensorflow
  1. Install sacremoses
pip install sacremoses
  1. Run the
flask --app app --debug run

Important for training the model

If you dont have a GPU, you can use the CPU.

Install tensorflow for CPU

pip install tensorflow-cpu

And change the global variable on your computer


For training the model

View the Datasets Folder for more information about the data.
